Dehydration and Your Health: How to Know if You’re Running Out of Water

2023-08-28 13:47:00

It’s not always obvious whether you’re running out of water or not. A doctor has given great advice! Here it is !

Very often, you run out of water but don’t necessarily know… So this doctor revealed a very good advice to know if your body needs it or not. We tell you everything.

Lack of water can affect your health

Drink when you can! Water is very important for the proper functioning of your body. In fact, it is she who hydrates all the tissues of the body. It also protects the brain once morest shocks. But also all blows in the cranial cavity.

If you don’t drink enough water, it can make it harder to transport respiratory gases, nutrients, and metabolic wastes. So you have understood, it is a vital source for your body! Besides, know that it consists of 60% water.

A lack of water can make you weaker. You may therefore experience migraines and dizziness. You may also have a feeling of fatigue, and water retention problems. And that’s not all ! Because beyond skin problems, you can also have kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

Some people even get heart disease from lack of water! So doctors advise to drink 1L to 1.5 liters every day. In this heat wave period, you can even drink a little more. Because we can never say it enough, dehydration can be very dangerous for your health.

But then the question arises, how do we know if our body is not lacking in water? General practitioner Jimmy Mohamed said more on the subject. Indeed, he spoke on RTL radio. We tell you more below.

Tips for monitoring your consumption!

General practitioner Jimmy Mohamed explains that it is necessary observe the color of his urines to know if there is a lack of water or not. Know that the more the urine is clear and transparent, the more your hydration is optimal. It means you are drinking enough.

Yes, but here it is… If the color of your pee is darker, that is to say yellow, orange, brownish, then there is a problem! This indicates that you are not drinking enough water. So your body loses much more than it absorbs. The doctor explains on the radio as follows:

“When it’s very hot, if you notice that your urine has a slightly orange, very dark, sometimes smelly color, it’s because you’re not drinking enough. The right amount of water you should drink depends on your urine».

The former TPMP columnist recalls that as a general rule, it drink 1.5 liters of water a day. This means that you should drink eight glasses a day. It’s up to you to distribute them when you wake up, in the morning. Then in the followingnoon, during meals and before going to sleep.

For many people, it is not easy to drink water every day. But that’s not a problem! And for good reason ! There are solutions! Indeed, you can still drink tea, infusions. You can also eat fruits and vegetables that are full of them. We think for example of cucumber, watermelon.

But also with lemon, apricots etc. There are of course a variety of teas that facilitate water consumption. It’s up to you to find the one that suits you best.

Shay Coquelit

Hi, I’m Shay, a web writer specializing in celebrity news and TV shows. Ever since I was little, I have loved following the Cannes Film Festival. For six months, I have been writing articles in the People, cinema and media section. My passion for these fields is reflected in each of my articles. Stay tuned on Tuxboard for my latest news and analysis!

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