definition, list, for women, for men

Hormonal diseases can affect different glands and organs that regulate the production and secretion of hormones in the body. What are the symptoms associated with these pathologies? How are they diagnosed? The answers with Dr. Pierre Nys, endocrinologist.

Definition: what is a hormonal disease?

A hormonal disease is a disease that affects the regulation of the secretion or activity of hormones“, indicates Dr. Pierre Nys. They can result either from a excess production or activity, or, conversely, a lack of production or activity of the hormone concerned.

What is the list of the main hormonal diseases?

The most common hormonal pathologies are those affecting the thyroid as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism“, he continues. Diabetes is also a frequent hormonal pathology. “The diabetes type 1 corresponds to an insufficient production of insulin and type 2 diabetes is linked to an initial abnormality in the activity of theinsulin“, details the specialist.
Pathologies of the gonads, ie testicles in men and ovaries in women, are also part of these hormonal diseases. They include different diseases such ass androgen deficiencies in men or in estrogen in the woman. problems with the adrenal glands such as adrenal insufficiency are also part of these pathologies. Of the pituitary diseases can also occur. They are most often linked to adenomas, groupings of cells that will secrete too many hormones. Many other hormonal diseases, rarer, exist but might not be listed exhaustively.

What are the hormonal diseases in women?

Some diseases affect women more frequently. “This is the case of thyroid diseases“, reports Dr. Pierre Nys. Disturbances linked to a ovarian tumor for example can also lead to the secretion of androgen hormones and by definition only affect women. But they are very rare.

What are the hormonal diseases in men?

Anomalies related to tumors in the testicles can also lead to certain pathologies specific to humans. “But the endocrine system remains the same in women and men“, recalls the endocrinologist.

What are the symptoms of a hormonal disease?

“The main point of appeal that should push to consider a hormonal disease is a fatigue unexplained, says Dr. Pierre Nys. Many pathologies related to thyroid, adrenal problems, or diabetes, are manifested by this symptom. “Weight variations can also be a signal to be taken into consideration”, he completes. It is a symptom associated with l’hypothyroidism. “Depending on the very numerous pathologies, the symptoms can then be very varied and are therefore to be apprehended on a case-by-case basis.“, underlines the specialist.

A hormonal disease is first diagnosed by clinical examination. “Then we proceed to hormonal assays, that is to say blood test, explains Dr. Pierre Nys. “In specific cases, imaging examinations may be necessary as a pituitary MRI, thyroid ultrasound or CT scan for the adrenal glands“, he adds.

Who is the doctor specializing in hormonal diseases?

The doctor specializing in hormonal diseases is the endocrinologist. However, it is advisable to first consult a general practitioner who can then refer the patient to a specialist if necessary.

Thanks to Dr. Pierre Nys, endocrinologist and author of My Low FodMaps Diet Bible (Leduc editions).

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