Defense of Pío López Obrador presents an official letter to the Fepade to call AMLO to testify

defense of Pio Lopez Obrador entered a trade Specialized Prosecutor for the Attention of Electoral Crimes (Fepade) so that his brother, the president, is called to testify Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Pío López’s lawyer, Pablo Hernandez Romopoints out in the official letter that the head of the federal Executive recognized in a morning conference that he knew of the resources his brother received from David Leon Romerowho was then serving as an official of the Chiapas state government.

These videos that are shown are from 2015. (…) These resources were used for gasoline, for the support of those who worked in the organization of the movement,” quoted the defense of Pío López Obrador in the official letter.

In August 2020 a video was revealed in which Pio Lopez appears receiving cash.

In the recording, León Romero can be heard saying that he takes “one” for him, without specifically talking about money.

While on May 31, three weeks earlier, the two met in a restaurant and, at some point, he put a yellow package on the table and said the phrase “here I bring you 400”.

According to the media, the president’s brother received cash support of 1.4 million pesos in 2015 for Morena in Chiapasby Leon Romero.

Due to the above, the General Prosecutor of the Republic (FGR), through Fepade, maintains a open investigation.

With information from López-Dóriga Digital

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