“Defenders” actor Clarence Gilyard Jr. passed away!66 years old | ETtoday Starlight Cloud

Reporter Pan Huizhong / Comprehensive report

American actor Clarence Gilyard Jr.’s movie debut was in 1986’s “Defenders”, playing Tom Cruise’s colleague “Sundown”. Unexpectedly, the news of his sudden death on the 29th, at the age of 66, shocked fans.

▲Clarence Gilyard Jr. (left) plays the same robe of Tom Cruise (right). (Picture / Recap from YouTube)

In addition to his status as an actor, Clarence Gilyard Jr. is also a professor at the University of Nevada College of Art, and this sad news was released by the dean of the College of Art on behalf of his family. The cause of death was not mentioned at all in the text, and his family members are quite protective of his privacy. .

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▲▼Clarence Gilyard Jr.  (Picture / Reposted from Twitter)

▲Clarence Gilyard Jr. is also a professor at the University of Nevada College of Art. (Picture / Reposted from Twitter)

Nancy Uscher, dean of the University of Nevada’s School of the Arts, said he made the statement public with sadness, noting that Clarence Gillian Jr.’s students were inspired by him, “He was very talented and dedicated to education. His professional achievements made him a man of the day on campus.”

Heather Addison, dean of the Department of Film, revealed that whenever colleagues asked Clarence Giriya Jr. “How are you?” the other party always said happily, “But we have been his colleagues for so many years, we are the real ones. Happy people.”

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