Defender August Berg to Djurgården

– We are very happy to have August Berg at Djurgår. It is a player of a very good age with a lot of experience. He was involved in helping Leksand up to the SHL a number of years ago, then he was involved in helping MoDo up in the raucous final series against us two years ago, comments Niklas Wikegård, Djurgården’s sporting manager.

August Berg, 25, is a Djurgårds player. Stockholmssonen has represented MoDo for the past two seasons, with whom he was in the spring of 2023 and played up to the SHL against DIF in the final. Before that, Berg spent four years in Leksand and there too he was involved in the promotion to the SHL in the spring of 2019.

In addition to playing in both clubs, August Berg has also played HockeyAllsvensk hockey for Södertälje and the defender has good credentials. In total, the 25-year-old is currently listed for 135 games and 26 points in the SHL, as well as 78 games and 28 points in the HockeyAllsvenskan. The defender shoots to the right and becomes the next piece of the puzzle in DIF’s team building.

– August has many of the qualities we want. He is a strong character, has a solid game, is the right age and is a right-handed shooter, says Wikegård.

The agreement with August Berg is written over three years, i.e. until 2027. The new acquisition will join Hovet on Monday and then start training with the men’s team.

– It feels terrible! I’m crazy busy and it will be as much fun as possible to meet the team and the people around. I am very happy about the opportunity to be on this trip together with the Djurgård family, greets August.



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