Defendant in High-Profile Femicide Case Set to Make Statement Amidst Emotional Turmoil

The defense attorney of Néstor Aguilar Soto, accused of the femicide of Catalina Gutiérrez, Gastón Schonfeld, confirmed that he has already made contact with his client and expects him to testify in the coming days, although he avoided providing specifics on the matter.

“We spoke and made contact for approximately two hours during this morning (Monday), where he effectively confirmed to Dr. Esteban Trucco and me as his defense attorneys,” Schoenfeld stated in a conversation with Cadena 3.

The lawyer was reserved about whether his client had confessed to the crime. “I can say little about what he told us due to professional confidentiality,” he expressed. He added that information regarding Soto’s testimony will remain confidential until he presents his material defense.

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Schoenfeld also revealed that they have been in contact with the Prosecutor’s Office responsible for the case and that they expect to receive news soon about when Soto will testify. “We hope that in the coming days he will tell us when he will testify. It could be that on Tuesday or Wednesday he tells us when he will do it, but that doesn’t mean it will be on those days,” he said.

He added: “Whether Soto testifies or not depends on the facts described by the Prosecutor’s Office. Based on that and the evidence we can see, at that point, we will give him Technical Counsel according to what we have already discussed with Néstor.”

Regarding the emotional state of his client, the attorney indicated: “I can confirm that he is in shock, yet he appeared very remorseful.”

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Interview by Rodolfo Barili and Juan Federico.



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