Defend Our Territory: The Power of the Democratic Vote – Political Analysis by Johel Orta Moros

2023-12-03 22:00:09

“The most forceful weapon that we democrats have to defend our territory is the vote. The peaceful and diplomatic route must solve the dispute over the Essequibo territory immediately,” said the lawyer and political analyst, Johel Orta Moros, upon his departure. to exercise the right to vote this Sunday, December 3, in the UE Santo Tomás de Villanueva. , located in the Las Mercedes urbanization of Caracas.

“Today we have been summoned to the rescue of a territory that has always belonged to us. That land and all the riches contained in it must benefit all our fellow citizens. The only flag that must be raised there is the tricolor that Francisco de Miranda brought when the feat of independence began,” Orta reiterated.

On the other hand, the political analyst classified this Sunday’s process as transcendental for all Venezuelans. “What was determined by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is fundamental for the country and we must take advantage of it rigorously by voting in the consultative referendum to demonstrate to the world, what we have repeated on multiple occasions, that Essequibo is Venezuelan.”

Likewise, he indicated that Venezuelans “are obliged to defend our territory, through the exercise of citizenship, the rescue of the constitution and the laws, as well as the strengthening of democracy, which is exercised through voting. Everything “whatever is consulted with us must be embraced with a nationalist spirit.”

Finally, the political analyst pointed out that the fight to rescue Essequibo is a citizen’s call, not a problem of the Government in power, but a State problem, which is made up of its territory, its population and its Government.

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Press JOM (ZA)

#powerful #weapon #Democrats #exercise #vote

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