Deer and wild boar: Why they descend on the cities

The presence of wild animals, such as deer and wild boar, in urban areas has become an increasingly common phenomenon.

Almost on a daily basis, the inhabitants of the Thracomakedonians and the northern regions of Acharne come into daily contact with deer and wild boar. This unexpected coexistence of humans and wildlife raises many questions and concerns about safety, ecosystem balance and the quality of life of residents.

Especially for the wild boars, as we have written many times on, which have grown at an uncontrollable rate, they seem not to be afraid of the human element (just like the deer) and descend from the mountain to the settlement located low in the foothills in order to search food.

This image causes concern and indignation, as the residents of the area report in they create many problems while there are not a few times that they find damage to their cars and also to their crops.

Why do deer and wild boar descend on cities?

The reasons that push these animals to leave their natural habitats and come so close to humans are many and complex:

Habitat loss: The continuous expansion of urban areas, the destruction of forests and the degradation of natural ecosystems increasingly limit the space available for wild animals.

Foraging: The lack of food in their natural habitats, due to human activity and climate change, forces them to seek alternative sources of food in cities, such as garbage, gardens and fields.

Disruption of ecosystems: The increase in human activities, such as road construction and excessive use of pesticides, disrupts natural balances and forces animals to adapt to new conditions.

What are the risks?

The presence of deer and wild boar in cities poses many risks:

  • Road accidents: Animals crossing the roads significantly increase the risk of road accidents.
  • Property damage: Wild boars can cause extensive damage to gardens, fields and property, while deer can destroy crops.
  • Disease transmission: There is a risk that wild animals can transmit diseases to other animals and humans.
  • Conflicts with residents: The presence of large animals in cities can cause fear and anxiety among residents, especially when the animals feel threatened.

Differences in Deer and Boar Behavior in Cities

Deer and wild boar, although both are wild animals that are increasingly encountered in urban areas, show significant differences in their behavior. These differences are due to various factors, such as their natural environment of origin, their diet and their social structures.


  • Afraid and wary: Deer are usually more fearful of humans and tend to avoid direct contact. However, when they feel threatened, they may attack.
  • They graze in groups: Deer often move in small groups and feed on grasses, leaves and fruit.
  • Nocturnal: Although they can be active during the day, deer prefer to move and feed mainly at night.

Wild boar:

  • Aggressive when threatened: Wild boars are more aggressive than deer and can attack if they feel their young or food is threatened.
  • Groups and singles: Wild boars can live in groups or be solitary, depending on the season and age.
  • Omnivore: Wild boars are omnivores and feed on a wide variety of foods including roots, fruits, insects and even small animals.
  • They dig: They tend to dig in the ground to find food, often causing damage to gardens and lawns.

If you encounter a deer or wild boar in an urban area, it is important to keep your distance and avoid any provocation. Inform the relevant authorities of the presence of the animal.

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