Decree: missions, attributions and organization of the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection

Decree: missions, attributions and organization of the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection

2024-09-20 07:00:17

The President of the Transition, General Mamadi Doumbouya, signed a decree on September 19, 2024, on the missions, attributions and organization of the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection (MSPC). This decree defines the responsibilities of this ministry, particularly in terms of public security, the fight against crime and disaster management. It also reorganizes the various structures of this department to strengthen its efficiency.

Below is the full decree

Decree D2024/168/PRG/CNRD/SGG on the missions, attributions and organization of the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection (MSPC)

The President of the Republic, having regard to the Charter of the Transition, decree

Chapter I: missions and attributions

Article 1: The Ministry of Security and Civil Protection is responsible for designing, developing and implementing government policy in the areas of security and civil protection, and for monitoring it. In this capacity, it is particularly responsible for:

– Develop draft legislative and regulatory texts relating to security and civil protection;

– Ensure the application of legislative and regulatory texts relating to security and civil protection;

– Ensure the security of people, property, institutions and vital installations;

– Carry out reform actions in the areas of security and civil protection;

– Ensure the recruitment, training, skills development and career monitoring of national police and civil protection personnel;

– Inform the government, in collaboration with other services, about internal and external threats;

– Control the manufacture, importation, exploitation, transport, marketing, storage and use of weapons, ammunition and their related materials for civilian use;

– Monitor and authorize the conditions of detention and use of weapons by civilians in the Republic of Guinea, in accordance with the laws and regulations in this area;

– Control the production, manufacture, import, export, transport, marketing and possession of powders and explosive substances for civil use;

– Combating illicit trafficking of drugs and psychotropic substances;

– Participate in the prevention and fight against serious crime, organized crime, delinquency, drug trafficking, trafficking in narcotics and psychotropic substances;

– Guarantee peace, quiet and public order;

– Participate in the fight against the circulation and proliferation of light weapons, cross-border crime and human trafficking;

– Establish, issue and authenticate, in conjunction with the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, administrative and travel identity documents;

– Lead and coordinate the fight against cybercrime;

– Promote cybersecurity;

– Participate in the development and implementation of migration policy;

– Participate in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity;

– Ensure strategic and prospective monitoring of new threats and developments in security;

– Participate in cross-border security cooperation;

– Control the conditions of entry and monitoring of foreigners on national territory;

– Penalize breaches of the Highway Code;

– Ensure that preventive measures are taken and victims are identified in the event of a disaster;

– Participate in the design, control and implementation of civil security standards for public and private infrastructures;

– Coordinate rescue operations and the fight against fires, accidents and disasters;

– Regulate the activities of private security and civil protection agencies;

– Participate in the development of treaties relating to security and civil protection;

– Integrate the gender and environmental dimension into the department’s policies and programs, projects and activities;

– Promote the teaching of human rights and international humanitarian law to police and civil protection personnel;

– Contribute to the exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms;

– Maintain and develop, in collaboration with the relevant ministries, the cooperation relationship with sub-regional, regional and international institutions in matters of security and civil protection;

– Participate in the mobilization of resources necessary to strengthen the capacities of police and civil protection services;

– Participate in training and raising awareness among local stakeholders and communities on security and civil protection issues;

– Promote research and development in the areas of security and civil protection;

– Participate in the development of treaties and legislative and regulatory texts relating to the protection of vulnerable persons and morals, and ensure their application;

– Facilitate access for the population to police and civil protection services;

– Carry out capacity building of the municipal guard;

– Promote the development of arts, sports and culture within police and civil protection services;

– Participate in sub-regional, regional and international meetings on security and civil protection.

Chapter II: Organization

Article 2: To accomplish its mission, the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection includes:

– A General Secretariat;

– A minister’s office;

– General management;

– Support services;

– Related services;

– Autonomous public bodies;

– Advisory bodies;

– Decentralized services.

Article 3: This decree, which repeals any previous contrary provision, takes effect from the date of its signature, and will be registered and published in the Official Journal of the Republic.

Conakry September 19, 2024

General Mamadi Doumbouya

#Decree #missions #attributions #organization #Ministry #Security #Civil #Protection



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