Decreased Vacationers in Quebec: Exploring Travel Trends and Tips for Summer 2023

2023-07-22 21:36:52

Significantly fewer Quebecers are staying in Quebec for their vacations this summer.

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According to a survey conducted by CAA-Quebec, 55% of vacationers will stay in the province, compared to 65% last year.

The marked increase in the price of plane tickets and travel packages does not seem to discourage Quebecers from going to other countries.

22% of Quebec travelers will travel by plane this summer, compared to 15% in 2022.

Screenshot TVA News

At Jean-Lesage airport in Quebec, several travelers were preparing to board a flight to Cancún on Saturday morning.

“The costs are more expensive than before the pandemic, but we deal with it. It’s been three years since we traveled, so it was planned,” said a traveler.

“We made the choice accordingly to the price a bit, we changed the options,” said another man.

“Before COVID, we wanted to go on a trip, but since everything had stopped, we delayed, but there, since our children are getting older, we decided to do it there”, for his part mentioned a father.

Screenshot TVA News

Travel agent Nicole St-Hilaire believes that travelers going abroad this summer will pay a high price for their choice of vacation.

“At the moment, the demand being very strong, the prices are much higher. As the prices are higher, the quality/price ratio becomes less good. We will pay much more for a product than we would pay, for example in April, ”she explained to TVA Nouvelles.

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In addition, the travel agent strongly recommends favoring direct flights.

“Often, connecting flights will be delayed or canceled, so it becomes complicated to take our international flight,” says Ms. St-Hilaire.

To see the full explanation, watch the video above.

#Quebecers #leaving #province #summer #vacations

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