Find out the perfect time to “ghost”

2024-08-18 11:22:24

Experts have spoken out on the right time to ghoster another individual, CNN reports.

The phenomenon involves ignoring a user’s messages without warning. However, the practice has real-life negative effects on people who are suddenly ignored in this way, according to Los Angeles psychologist Jennice Vilhauer.

“We are wired to be connected to others and being rejected has a negative effect on us,” she said. “It influences how we perceive ourselves and the world. The pain is as real as if you were feeling physical pain.”

The decision of ghoster Another person can be unconscious, said Rich Slatcher, a professor of psychology at the University of Georgia. The more anonymous or unknown a person is, he said, the easier it is to dehumanize them by ignoring them.

“Some people just have a hard time responding to texts and they just can’t do it right,” he said.

Relation abusive

A previously abusive relationship where a person’s life or safety may be threatened if the relationship continues is the ideal time to ghosteraccording to Jennice Vilhauer. Any inappropriate behavior could also legitimize this practice of the person who suffered the consequences.

Gili Freedman, associate professor of psychology at Saint Mary’s College in Maryland, said ignoring someone can be a protective mechanism.

Sometimes people have “tried to reject someone before, and that person reacted with a lot of anger or aggression, and so they’re afraid to try again,” he said. “So they decide to ghoster to protect themselves,” he said.

#Find #perfect #time #ghost



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