Decoding the Signs of 2024: Duration and Key Insights

Decoding the Signs of 2024: Duration and Key Insights

In the last four weeks, there has been an alarming increase in Covid-19 infections in Mexico, doubling from 175 to 429 infections over the past seven days according to the Epidemiological Surveillance System for Respiratory Disease (Sisver)

According to the latest Sisver report, a total of 1,000 cases have been confirmed. 8,075 positive cases and 375 deaths at the national level. The entities with the highest number of infections They are the

  • Mexico City, with 2,086 cases;
  • State of Mexico, with 683;
  • Querétaro, with 701;
  • Nuevo Leon, with 509; and
  • Puebla, with 373 cases.

For his part, the doctor Jorge Baruch Diaz, specialist in Epidemiology and head of the Traveler’s Clinic at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), warned that we are seeing the beginning of the second wave of Covid-19 this year, given the significant 28% increase in SARS-CoV-2 positivity.

Decoding the Signs of 2024: Duration and Key Insights

Read here: Increase in Covid-19 cases reported in Yucatan: summer vacations, a risk?

What are the new Covid-19 variants?

The new variants of COVID-19 are called KP.2 and KP.3according to data from the GSAID (Global Initiative in Sharing All Influenza Data) platform. These variants belong to the omicron family and are considered more contagious than other strains,

So far, in Mexico are registered eight cases associated with the KP.2 variant and one case related to the KP.3 variantaccording to the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases (INER).

Symptoms of KP.2 and KP.3 variants are similar to those of omicron; These include cough, fever, shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, muscle aches, sore throat, including loss of taste and smell.

What are the symptoms of Covid-19 in 2024?

Most people infected with the virus Covid-19 experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without the need for specialized treatment. However, some may become seriously ill and require medical attention.

According to Mayo Clinic, Covid-19 symptoms They usually appear between 2 and 14 days after contact with the virus. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Hacking cough.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Loss of the sense of taste or smell.
  • Extreme fatigue.
  • Digestive symptoms such as upset stomach, vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Pain such as headaches, body aches, or muscle pain.
  • Fever or chills.
  • Cold-like symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, or sore throat.

It is crucial to stay informed about symptoms and seek medical attention if severe symptoms occur such as difficulty breathing, pain or pressure in the chest, confusion, inability to wake up or stay awake, and bluish tone to the lips or face.

YouTube videoYouTube video

How long do covid-19 symptoms last?

According to Medline Plus, the recovery period for Covid-19 can extend from 10 to 14 days or even more, depending on the severity of the symptoms experienced by each individual.

It is important to note that some people may experience symptoms persisting for monthseven after they have stopped being infected and are no longer able to transmit the disease to other people. This phenomenon It is known as long COVID.

#symptoms #long
2024-09-14 22:29:21

– What is the purpose of the `

` element in⁣ HTML?

⁤ I apologize, but the HTML code you provided does not relate to the‌ topic of

. ⁢It seems to be an article ⁤about ‌COVID-19 infections⁤ in⁤ Mexico.

If you would like, I can write a⁢ comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the⁤ topic⁤ of​

in HTML. Here is a sample article:


Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


element is⁤ a fundamental ⁢building block ⁢of HTML, used to group ⁣elements together for styling, layout, and organization purposes.‌ In this article, we’ll explore‍ the

element in-depth,⁣ covering its syntax, ​usage, and best⁤ practices.

What is the



element, short for⁣ “division,” ‌is ⁢a generic container element that can be used to wrap a set of elements together. It is⁢ a block-level ⁤element, ⁣meaning it takes up a block of space on the page and ⁢can ⁣contain inline or block-level elements.


The ⁣basic syntax of⁤ the

element is as follows:

Content goes here

You can add⁤ attributes to the

element to⁤ provide​ additional information or styling. For‌ example:

Content goes here



element has several use cases:

  1. Grouping elements:⁣ Use
    to group a ⁢set of ​elements together, making it⁣ easier to style or⁤ layout them as‍ a unit.
  2. Creating sections: Use
    to create sections or regions on a web ‍page, such as a header, ‍footer, or ‍sidebar.
  3. Applying styles: Use
    to apply styles to a set of elements, such as a background



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