Decoding the Self-Care Dilemma: Revelations from Luiss University and Pantene

Research finds that two out of three women do not have time to take care of themselves, even though they consider it important. So Pantene launches the “RegenerActions Movement”

99% of women recognize the importance of taking time for themselves, but more than two out of three are unable to actually do so: this is what emerged from a research commissioned by Pantene at Luiss University, which highlighted the so-called “Self Care Paradox”. The study, entitled Self-care habits, barriers and solutions – attitudes and behaviors of Italian women in their self-care experiences conducted on over 1,000 Italian women of different age groups, explored the concept of self-care and led to the presentation by Pantene of the “RegenerActions Movement”. This is a new movement that invites all women to reflect on the importance of taking care of themselves every day, starting with small and simple daily actions. The project was presented on Thursday, September 12, on the occasion of Pantene’s Regeneraction Day. Luiss University and its research center Luiss X.ITE, together with the Unobravo team, joined the brand in this initiative.

The study

According to the research, age and life cycle moments influence women’s ability to take care of themselves and the way they do it: girls aged 18 to 24 have the perception of having limited time for real “self-care”, linked to chasing multiple relational, intellectual and physical “self-work” activities necessary to satisfy multiple external expectations. The over-activity dedicated to the self, but guided by external stimuli, sometimes leads to counterbalancing the “pleasure of taking care of oneself” with a sense of anxiety and frustration.

Young adults (25-34 years) face a phase of profound transformation, with a significant increase in personal and professional complexities that limit “disposal time”; in fact, the actual time dedicated to “self-care” is limited and perceived more as an achievement.

Adults (35-54 years) are able to identify the best activities for themselves but must face greater external pressures of a work, family or relational nature, which reduce their “disposal time”.

Finally, seniors (55+ years) have greater self-awareness and experience self-care with relaxation and personal satisfaction.

The study’s proponents: Pantene and Luiss

Leading the study were Marco Francesco Mazzù, Professor of Practice of Marketing at Luiss and Luiss Business School, and Simona Romani, Full Professor of Consumer Behavior at Luiss. “Understanding the meaning of self-care for women in the different stages of life, considering the complexity of their daily lives, allowed us to highlight the ambivalences and paradoxes linked to simple gestures and habits: from relational activities to physical and mental regeneration, up to body care. We were thus able to highlight useful insights to promote actions that enhance the true positive nature of self-care and the importance of these practices,” said Professor Mazzù.

Pantene Regeneraction Day

Il Regeneractions Day

The RegenerActions Movement was officially launched in Milan with a talk during which Valeria Consorte, Vice President Beauty Care Italy, explained why Pantene decided to launch this campaign and Professor of Practice of Marketing at Luiss, Marco Francesco Mazzù, had the opportunity to present the key insights of the research. They were joined by Danila De Stefano, CEO and Founder of Unobravo, and Davide Campagna, known as Cotto al Dente, who underlined the importance of a holistic approach to well-being, which includes regular physical activity, healthy eating and the ability to put oneself at the center.

In the afternoon, RegenerActions Day was open to the public, with the aim of raising awareness among consumers about the importance of self-care and giving them some regenerative acts. Consumers were able to participate in sessions with hair care experts, moments of reflection on the importance of mental health, regenerative physical activities such as pilates and irresistible gifts, such as Pantene RegenerActions Movement manifesto t-shirts. The public was also able to appreciate in person the new line of hair products launched by Pantene, Pantene Molecular Bond Repair.

The Pantene Experiment

To bring the RegenerAction movement to life, Pantene has created a high-impact media campaign that will come to life in several executions.

To raise awareness about the Self Care Paradox, Pantene conducted a social experiment involving eight women of different age groups. Each of the protagonists was led into an empty room in which, on a large video wall, a letter they had received from a person dear to them but whose identity was not revealed was projected. The author of the letter complained to the protagonist for not having received enough attention from her in the recent period. At the end of the letter, thanks to the help of artificial intelligence, each of the consumers surprisingly saw herself projected on the video wall, as if she were an image reflected in a mirror, reciting with her own voice the last part of the message: “Even today you didn’t think of me. Every time you look in the mirror, remember that with a small gesture you can take care of me too.”

What is the RegenerActions Movement launched by Pantene?

The Importance of Self-Care: Pantene Launches the RegenerActions ​Movement

In today’s‍ fast-paced world, many women struggle ​to prioritize their own well-being, despite recognizing its importance. In fact, ⁢research has shown that two out of three‍ women do not have time to take care of themselves, even though they consider it essential. This⁤ phenomenon has been dubbed the “Self Care Paradox” by Pantene, a leading beauty brand that has launched the RegenerActions​ Movement to promote the importance of self-care.

The Research behind the Movement

Pantene commissioned a ‍study at Luiss University to⁣ explore the concept of ‍self-care and identify the barriers that prevent women from prioritizing their own well-being. The study, entitled “Self-care habits, barriers and solutions – attitudes

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The RegenerActions Movement: Empowering Women to Prioritize Self-Care

Research has revealed a staggering truth: two out of three women do not have time to take care of themselves, despite recognizing its importance [[1]]. This phenomenon, known as the “Self Care Paradox,” has led Pantene to launch the “RegenerActions Movement,” a initiative that encourages women to prioritize their well-being through simple daily actions.

The Study: Uncovering the Barriers to Self-Care

A study commissioned by Pantene, conducted by Luiss University, and titled “Self-care habits, barriers and solutions – attitudes and behaviors of Italian women in their self-care experiences” [[1]], surveyed over 1,000 Italian women of different age groups. The research highlighted the various obstacles that prevent women from practicing self-care, including:

Limited time due to multiple external expectations (18-24 years old)

Increased personal and professional complexities (25-34 years old)

Greater external pressures of a work, family, or relational nature (35-54 years old)

Greater self-awareness and relaxation in later life (55+ years old)

The RegenerActions Movement: Taking Small Steps towards Self-Care

The RegenerActions Movement, launched by Pantene, aims to inspire women to take small, daily actions that prioritize their well-being. This movement recognizes that self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity, and encourages women to start their journey towards self-care, no matter how small the step may seem.

Pantene: A Brand Committed to Empowering Women

Pantene, a leading beauty brand, has long been committed to empowering women through its products and initiatives. The RegenerActions Movement is a natural extension of this commitment, as it seeks to support women in their journey towards self-care and self-love.

Luiss University: A Partner in the Pursuit of Self-Care

Luiss University, a renowned institution, has partnered with Pantene in this initiative. The university’s research center, Luiss X.ITE, and the Unobravo team have joined forces with Pantene to promote the RegenerActions Movement.


The RegenerActions Movement is a timely reminder that self-care is essential for women’s well-being. By taking small, daily actions, women can prioritize their health, happiness, and fulfillment. Pantene, Luiss University, and the RegenerActions Movement are committed to supporting women on this journey, encouraging them to take control of their lives and make self-care a non-negotiable part of their daily routine.






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