Decoding AMLO’s Grand Vision for Mexico’s Future

Decoding AMLO’s Grand Vision for Mexico’s Future

MEXICO CITY.— President Andrés Manuel López Obrador acknowledged that it was a “cunning plan” when he said in his sixth and final Government Report that we were already better in health than Denmark, and called for a vote by show of hands on the reform of the Judicial Branch.

Journalist Reyna Haydée Ramírez asked him during her morning press conference on Tuesday if it was a joke or to anger his opponents, to which the President replied: “No, no, no, no, not to make them angry, but as they call it in journalism, ‘so that there would be substance’, so that they would have something to say because then they get very angry and ‘let’s see what we can get out of them’. So, I’m going to give them the note, I gave them two or three, I gave them that one and I gave them the one about the vote. Oh, how do they question that ‘by show of hands’,” he said.

Was it a scheming plan? Reyna insisted. “Of course! But people do respond because that is how the majority of the people are, they want to elect their judges, magistrates and ministers, only the elites don’t want to,” he pointed out.

At another point, the President and the journalist were involved in a new moment of tension.

They had already discussed the granting of concessions to businessmen and, minutes later, they did it again, but now over the controversial Continental Meeting of Independent Communicators, which took place on Friday, August 30 at the National Palace.

The Sonoran woman complained to the head of the federal Executive for having asked the attendees to applaud her successor, Claudia Sheinbaum. She said that some of her colleagues were upset because “they had been brought to the meeting just to applaud.” And AMLO‘s response was not long in coming:

“I didn’t ask you for that,” said the president, to which Reyna Ramírez retorted: “I asked you for applause for the president (elect)!” And López Obrador said ironically, as a harangue:

“Oh no, for the president… Let’s see, another round of applause for the president. It is a pride that a woman is president, it is historic. A round of applause for the people of Mexico. A round of applause for the truly independent journalists. A round of applause for the conservatives who protest peacefully,” she said, to which several journalists who were in the Treasury Hall applauded.

Despite Reyna Haydée’s attempts to continue with her intervention, AMLO again asked for applause from the reporters, whom the Sonoran called “paleros.”

In the end, he once again challenged the president: “Okay, you want to make a joke of it, President, but this is not a joke, but do you know why it is not a joke? Because there really is independent journalism and there is alternative journalism,” he said, while reminding him that he has been the target of insults from his supporters.

“No, don’t let them attack you now, now. And a round of applause for you. A sincere round of applause for you, for you, now (….) You know what? All our respect for you. All our respect, we must love each other very much, long live love,” concluded President López Obrador.— El Universal / Infobae

#AMLOs #cunning #plan
2024-09-12 11:19:52

How long has Andrés Manuel⁤ López Obrador been president

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador: A Controversial Leader

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, commonly referred‍ to as AMLO, has been the President of Mexico since 2018. Throughout his tenure, he has been at ⁢the center of various controversies, surrounding his leadership style, policies, and‍ interactions ⁣with the media. In ⁣this article, we will ‍delve into some of the most notable instances of​ his presidency, highlighting his cunning plans, tense exchanges with journalists, and the⁢ public’s response to his leadership.

A Cunning Plan

During ⁤his sixth ⁢and final Government Report, President López Obrador⁢ claimed ​that Mexico was better in health than Denmark, and called for a vote by show of hands on the reform of the Judicial Branch⁤ [[1]]. When questioned by journalist Reyna Haydée Ramírez about the validity of this statement, the President admitted it was a “cunning‌ plan” to elicit a​ reaction from his‌ opponents.‍ He explained that his intention ‌was to spark ‍debate and controversy, stating that “people do respond ‌because that is how the‍ majority of the people are, they want to elect their judges, magistrates, and ministers, only the elites don’t ⁢want‌ to” [[1]].

Tense Exchanges with Journalists

President López Obrador has been involved in several tense exchanges with journalists during his press conferences. ⁢One⁤ such⁤ instance occurred when Reyna Haydée Ramírez​ confronted him about asking attendees to applaud her successor, Claudia Sheinbaum, at the‍ Continental Meeting of Independent Communicators [[1]]. The ⁤President responded ‌with irony, asking⁤ for applause for the president, the people of ⁤Mexico, independent journalists, and conservatives who⁤ protest peacefully. This led to a round of applause from the journalists present, and Reyna Ramírez subsequently labeled them “paleros” [[1]].

Public Response and Support

Despite the controversies surrounding his leadership, President López Obrador has maintained a significant level of public support. In November 2022, a​ massive pro-government rally was held in Mexico‌ City, with estimates suggesting over 1.2‌ million attendees [[3]]. This display of support demonstrates the President’s ability to mobilize large crowds and maintain a strong connection with his base.

A Divisive Figure

President López⁤ Obrador’s leadership style and policies have been met‌ with both admiration and criticism.⁣ His ⁢supporters see him as a champion of the people,‍ fighting against the elites and‌ promoting⁤ democracy. On the other hand, his detractors view him as authoritarian, divisive, and⁤ prone to controversial statements.


President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is‍ a complex⁣ figure, known for his cunning plans, tense exchanges with journalists, and ability to mobilize large crowds. While his leadership ​style and policies have been met with both support and criticism, it is undeniable ​that he has left an indelible mark on Mexican politics. As ⁣we move forward, it remains to be seen how his⁣ presidency⁢ will ultimately be remembered, and what legacy he⁤ will leave behind.



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What has Andrés Manuel López Obrador done for Mexico

#AMLO’s Cunning Plan: A Look into the Controversial Leadership of Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, commonly referred to as AMLO, has been the President of Mexico since 2018. Throughout his tenure, he has been at the center of various controversies, surrounding his leadership style, policies, and interactions with the media. In this article, we will delve into some of the most notable instances of his presidency, highlighting his cunning plans, tense exchanges with journalists, and the public’s response to his leadership.

A Cunning Plan

During his sixth and final Government Report, President López Obrador claimed that Mexico was better in health than Denmark, and called for a vote by show of hands on the reform of the Judicial Branch [[1]]. When questioned by journalist Reyna Haydée Ramírez about the validity of this statement, the President admitted it was a “cunning plan” to elicit a reaction from his opponents. He explained that his intention was to spark debate and controversy, stating that “people do respond because that is



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