Declare war on cold sores!

Anyone who can sing a song regarding the nasty blisters only wants one thing: prevent herpes so that it doesn’t keep coming back. But is that even possible?

The skin feels tense, somehow warmer and tingles strangely: If you have ever been affected by herpes on the lip, all the alarm bells are ringing for you now. Is there a new blister forming? Help is needed now.

Before we tell you what you can do to prevent herpes, it helps to take a look at how cold sores develop.

Cold sores: what is it anyway?

It is important to understand that herpes is not a disease per se, but a symptom. The formation of the blisters is usually caused by a virus, the so-called herpes simplex virus type 1. Incidentally, the blisters can not only appear on the lips during an infection, but also at the entrance to the nose and around or even in the mouth.

Preventing cold sores: Can you become immune to it?

Anyone who comes into contact with the virus for the first time and thus becomes infected does not necessarily have to notice it. In the body, however, it travels via the nerve fibers to the cells in our spinal cord. The virus can remain there for many years without becoming active once more.

However, if your immune system is weakened (and nobody can prevent that sometimes being the case), it can no longer keep the virus in check. It travels back down the nerve fibers and causes the painful blisters. You can’t prevent herpes by general immunization – once it’s in the body, you can’t get it out once more.

But there are ways to contain the outbreaks a little. The most important is: strengthen the immune system, avoid nicotine, alcohol, but also too much sugar. For example with these healthy snacks in between:

Prevent herpes: strengthen the immune system

An intact immune system that can fight off the virus is the basic prerequisite for (virtually) no more cold sores appearing. This becomes clear when you look at the situations in which the virus quickly gains the upper hand.

Possible triggers for the occurrence of cold sores

  • Fever
  • infections
  • Hormonal changes, e.g. following childbirth, during pregnancy or during menstruation
  • certain drugs that suppress the immune system
  • cancer and chemotherapy
  • Sun (strong solar radiation affects the immune cells in the skin)
  • Psychic efforts like Stress, Grief, fatigue
  • Procedures on the facial skin, e.g. by lasers or peeling
  • Procedures in the mouth at the dentist or oral surgeon

All of these situations have one thing in common: they attack, suppress or even destroy the immune system. That’s how it can be Herpes-Virus quickly regain the upper hand, the blisters are not long in coming. A balanced diet, adequate sleep and exercise are the most effective ways to keep the immune system intact.

Prevent herpes with the help of cream or gel

One thing straight away: creams or gels that you get in the pharmacy only help if you apply them at the first sign – i.e. before the blisters form. They are designed to slow virus replication. If applied in time, they can ideally even stop the herpes outbreak. As an alternative to cream and gel, there are also special antiviral patches. You can also make these less visible with a little lipstick.

Aciclovir ratiopharm cold sore cream for soothing therapy
Aciclovir ratiopharm cold sore cream for soothing therapy

The price may be higher now. Price from 06/25/2022 18:19

Treat cold sores with zinc sulfate

If the blisters are already there, you can apply creams or gels with zinc sulfate. They dry out faster and the affected areas of skin heal faster. You should refrain from using toothpaste to fight the blisters – the ingredients can also irritate the skin. Also, there’s no scientific evidence that toothpaste makes teeth heal faster.

Medication for a herpes outbreak?

There are cases where the herpes outbreak is so severe that creams or gels are no longer sufficient to stop the virus. Then antiviral drugs must be given in the form of tablets, juice or an infusion, which are prescribed by the doctor.

Certain risk groups are particularly at risk and should definitely consult a doctor:

  • Patients with a weakened immune system
  • Infants (Caution, herpes can be life-threatening for babies!)
  • Pregnant women, especially just before childbirth
  • Old and infirm people if the outbreak does not go away

Also to the doctor should:

  • any person with blistering of the eyes or genitals
  • any person with blistering of the mouth

Prevent herpes: These 10 things can protect once morest a (worse) outbreak

Do you want to avoid getting infected with the herpes virus or are you tired of those annoying blisters? You just have a blister or someone else around you and you want to be on the safe side? Then you should definitely heed the following ten points:

  1. If you’ve had herpes before, avoid exposing your skin to the sun. If all else fails, use sunblock.
  2. kissing and Oral sex are taboo with herpes (also those genitals can be infected by the virus!).
  3. Do not share plates, glasses, cutlery or napkins.
  4. Do not share towels or lipsticks.
  5. Use a cotton swab to apply antiviral creams or gels.
  6. Always wash your hands thoroughly.
  7. Avoid biting your nails during the acute phase. Otherwise, you can easily bring the viruses into contact with your eyes via your fingers.
  8. Babies and small children may not be kissed, and pacifiers may not be touched by the persons concerned.
  9. Do not touch the blisters and above all do not open them.
  10. Use face masks only once and never share them with others.

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Image Credit: Getty Images/ CherriesJD

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