“Decisive and resolute intervention” –

Giuseppe Valditara of Education and Merit spoke on the occupation of the Belluzzi-Fioravanti Institute in Bologna, devastated by students. An entire floor of the school was devastated, with images of the disaster bouncing around social media and websites. “During my numerous meetings in Italian schools – declares Valditara – I had the opportunity to speak and discuss with many serious, mature, responsible, committed and motivated students in building their future through study. These, even when they do not share the positions government policies, are the vast majority of our young people.”

“Unfortunately – continues the Minister – there is also a small minority who confuse political debate and the expression of their ideas with hooligan acts of devastation of schools. I deeply regret this also because, following the unfortunate events in Milan last February, and following my very frank intervention, there had no longer been any episodes of devastation of occupied schools. Unfortunately, acts like that of Bologna not only represent the destruction of a public good such as a school, but moreover they do so at a time, that of end of the school year and the countdown to graduation, in which the right to study and to be able to attend school profitably must be safeguarded more than ever. For all these reasons I hope for a decisive and resolute intervention on the part of the relevant authorities”.

From what we understand, the USR Emilia-Romagna immediately contacted the principal of Belluzzi Fioravanti, who has already filed a complaint at the police station. Operations are underway to recognize those responsible who will be sanctioned in accordance with the provisions of current laws.

#Decisive #resolute #intervention #Tempo
2024-04-24 13:24:34



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