Decision making Daphne

2024-02-25 06:49:13

Welcome to the seasonal discounts post on Daphne brushes.
pay attention: The ability to make a decision is required here because this is actually the last chance to buy the brushes Daphne Classic andDaphne Black. At least at the moment there are no plans to produce them again.

Second is concentration in favor of the dry details and then some explanations about my favorite products:
code shelly15 >>>
15% discount on 2nd generation brushes (Power, Muse and the cases that include both). In addition to a discount, you will also receive a serum as a gift.
code shelly30 >>>
30% discount on the Elor brushes, Daphne Black (and the cases that include them), Daphne Classic from export surpluses, and all the accessories (towel, serum, protective spray, bag).

The codes will be valid until Saturday 2/3 at midnight.
You can use both codes in the same purchase.
Please note that the classic brushes are surplus from display and may have some scratches on them, but they are in perfect condition and have a one year warranty just like all the other brushes.

For those who are her first encounter with Daphne’s brushes, the blog is full of detailed explanations: here is a link to previous posts including a user guide.


Private shopping (list of favorites for those who need it):

Daphne Classic – First love from the day of launch, if you are like me and have not been educated to step with the times towards the 2nd generation of Daphne brushes, Sharon says that there are currently no plans to produce more. The website only has classics from export surpluses and there is a 35% discount on them, and another 30% with the code (hidden here is a classic brush for NIS 294).

Daphne Black – Very similar to Daphne Classic, but its curve is inward instead of outward, so it’s easier to reach the roots with it. It’s 30% off with my code.

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Daphne Power – The new generation of brushes, narrower and deeper and it manages to shorten the already short use (if with the classic I straighten all the hair in 10-15 minutes, with the power the story closes in 8 minutes). There is a 15% discount on it with my code.

Daphne Muse – Originally designed for a Japanese audience, but excellent for those whose hair is relatively short or relatively thin. 15% off with my code.

Heat protection spray – Spray on the hair before use for protection and shine. There is a 30% discount on it with the code.

Towel – Daphne’s brushes can only be used on dry hair and this towel significantly shortens the drying time, and along the way also reduces frizz. She also has a 30% discount with the code.

Dedicated to everyone who has ever been to a hair salon equipped with a reference.
To quote Anthony, the book from Fleebag:
if you want to change your life, change your life
it’s not gonna happen in here

#Decision #making #Daphne

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