decide or withdraw the candidacy. Conte’s no weighs –

Look Brunello

The slow cooker is about to reach the right temperature. It is the technique for boiling the frog, an unorthodox metaphor, which is sometimes used in politics. In practice, the state of mind of Andrea Orlando, left to candy in Liguria, in the total silence of Rome. Even the secretary of the Democratic Party, going on vacation, forgot to leave instructions on the fate of her party colleague, who has been waiting for the green light for his candidacy to succeed Giovanni Toti for two months. An imprimatur that naturally never arrived. So the former minister had to suffer the shame of seeing himself flanked by Giuseppe Conte’s man (as well as the former grillino Nicola Morra) the violinist senator Luca Pirondini, fielded by the M5S to hinder his race, to exhaust him and force him to surrender. For Andrea Orlando, enough is enough: “the invitation I make is not to waste precious time in indicating concrete solutions and proposals to the Ligurians and to the economic and social system of the region. As for my availability, it is a card on the coalition’s table – says Daveto from Santo Stefano – if it is not needed, it should be removed and another should be verified, which, if it unites more, I am available to support. The important thing is to act quickly”, concepts that he reiterates to everyone.

The Abandoned Orlando and the M5S Prank Launching Pirondini

A formally polite way to hide (barely) a real anger: against Elly Schlein of course, against her party, against allies judged to be wavering and unreliable. A week to decide, take it or leave it, Orlando has no more time to dedicate, the affront is already heavy enough. In short, the return to the Nazarene will not be very simple for the leader, she will have to lock herself in a room with Conte, and find a way out of the Campo Marzio diktat: impossible to have three Democratic candidates for the three regions that will go to the vote, Emilia Romagna and Umbria in addition to Liguria. And this time the former prime minister demands concrete “compensation”, to give up his protégé, he asks for key positions in the regional organizational chart, no to other “empty checks”, other verbal commitments will not be accepted. Another possibility, at this point equally concrete, is that the search for a third candidate begins, with the consequent sacrifice of the big Pd. A scenario already seen many times during the muscular confrontations between the Dems and the 5 Star Movement.

From Liguria to Bari, there is war between the Democratic Party and the M5S. Elly Schlein? Who has seen her?

Ferruccio Sansa, the journalist from Fatto Quotidiano defeated by Toti in 2020, is also impatient: «We have wasted months without discussing programs and ideas and without choosing the candidate but talking about strategies and chatter – he vents on social media – while perhaps someone hoped to gain political space, discussing Renzi, a party that almost all the forces of the center-left have said they do not want and that in Genoa is with Bucci and that in the Region would like to be with the center-left». Already Matteo Renzi, the other missing piece. The leader of Italy, who although ready to sacrifice the historic partnership with the mayor of Genoa, continues to be opposed. Even Giuseppe Conte, in the Sunday interview with Repubblica, reiterates: «To aggregate two-three percent of votes, they would let all the voters of the M5S and also a good part of those of the PD run away. Many stop me in the street and beg me not to take Renzi on board. They fear his destructive capacity, he has always distinguished himself by bringing down governments, rather than making them last. Not to mention the times he voted with the right in Parliament”. A position that seems immovable, in substance it is also shared by the duo Bonelli Fratoianni. In short, problems upon problems for Elly Schlein, squaring the circle will not be easy. Will it be enough to hide Renzi, Calenda and some other centrist in a list without a name? And how will it end in Liguria with the ‘frog’?

#decide #withdraw #candidacy #Contes #weighs #Tempo
2024-08-27 12:36:18



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