Decalogue for the return to school

Decalogue for the return to school

MEXICO CITY (EFE).— The Archdiocese of Mexico City made ten recommendations for “a good return to school,” among which it calls for eradicating violence and the culture of death, strengthening identity, breaking individualism and giving an example of good behavior, among others.

In his editorial for the weekly magazine “Desde la fe”, he recalled that today, Monday, more than 24 million students at the basic school level (preschool, primary and secondary) are returning to classes for the 2024-2025 school year.

“This beginning represents an opportunity to reflect on the shared responsibilities that parents, teachers and the educational community have. Education is the pillar on which our future is built, and it demands a comprehensive approach,” reads the statement.

To this end, he proposed a decalogue, in which he proposes eradicating violence and the culture of death, which he considered “one of the great challenges” to be addressed in schools and society, with which he seeks to prevent youth from “feeling attracted to crime and losing respect and love for life.”

Respect for others

She also recommended instilling respect for others and providing mental and emotional care for children, seeking to prevent illnesses such as depression and anxiety.

The Church also considered it necessary to strengthen the identity of students, and recalled the “importance of an education to develop capacities and empowerment ‘suitable to cultivate without uprooting, to grow without weakening identity, to promote without invading’”.

He was inclined to encourage discipline and responsibility, as well as the organization of time that allows children to prioritize their studies, without neglecting a balance with rest, time with family, friends and other activities.

“Good behavior”

He proposed “setting an example of good behavior,” especially encouraging honesty, respect and love for one’s neighbor; promoting teamwork and “breaking individualism”; as well as strengthening the “school-family” alliance.

Finally, he called for fostering love for the environment, with the aim of making “a commitment to love our planet and avoid wasting natural resources, which also requires us to always be willing to share.”

He also recalled that Pope Francis indicated that education “is a means that should lead us to three levels of courage: that of placing the person at the center, of investing energies with creativity and responsibility, and that of forming available people who put themselves at the service of the community.”

“We call on everyone to join in establishing an educational alliance, as the Holy Father has asked us to do, to form mature people, capable of overcoming fragmentation and opposition and rebuilding the fabric of relationships to have a more fraternal humanity,” concluded the Archdiocese of Primatia.

#Decalogue #return #school
2024-09-03 07:40:17



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