Debunking Nutrition Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction in a Balanced Diet

2023-09-26 18:02:52

The nutrition and a good balanced diet It is something that many people like to wear. However, not everyone can carry it correctly and that goes hand in hand with the issue of an expert. And, over the years, an endless number of myths around it and today what many people have in mind might be broken a little.

What are some food myths?

Through your account tiktokthe nutritionist identified as Eating with Maria, has been highlighted in several videos for having food-specific content. On several occasions he has spoken regarding what is good and bad for people looking to lose weight and here are some of the most popular ones.

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Avoid nuts: In reality the dried fruits extremely good for health, as these will help you manage hunger and will help you provide proteins, quality fat, vitamins and minerals. For this reason you should include them in your daily diet and think regarding how wonderful they are for your body.

Real food nutrition: In fact, he claims that this is only going to generate an obsession with healthy eating and, far from helping you, it will harm you. Instead of searching nutritious foods, you will start to think regarding forbidden foods and feel guilty when consuming them. The ideal is to have a healthy and flexible diet.

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Nuts are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Photo: Special

Eat 5 times a day: Many have the idea that eating 5 times a day can help speed up your metabolism and consequently make you lose weight. In reality this will not happen and far from being a good thing for you, it will be quite the opposite. Actually it What it will do is accelerate your metabolism and increase muscle mass.

Ban dairy: The expert has highlighted that Banning dairy in your daily life will not be the best idea. She recommends that, instead, look for ones that are natural, whole and without added sugar.

Soil consume animal protein: In the same way that the vegetable protein It shouldn’t come alone, exactly the same thing happens with animal protein. For this it is recommended to combine with legumes that They will provide you with fiber, vitamins and minerals.

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