Debunking 3 myths about myopia laser surgery

Myopia is actually a disease. Like other diseases, surgery is also one of the treatment methods. However, many people still feel afraid to perform surgery on such a delicate and important part of the eye. However, in recent years, the development of myopia laser surgery has been quite advanced. There is also fully automatic laser technology to reduce human error and increase safety. It is important to fully communicate with the doctor and do a full check-up before the operation in order to correct vision and ensure Eye health.

Myopia Laser Myths Cleared Up

1. Can failure of myopia laser surgery lead to blindness?

The proportion of blindness is actually very low, and there are very few failure cases. For patients, they may feel that the failure of the operation is due to poor vision following surgery. Therefore, in pre-operative communication, such as the extent to which vision can be corrected and whether astigmatism can be improved, etc., it is necessary to reach a consensus. For some patients who have undergone myopia laser surgery and still feel that their vision is not satisfactory, the doctor will also assist in evaluating whether the second surgery is suitable for patients who come to consult, and explain the relevant precautions.

2. Will myopia reappear following myopia laser surgery?

Patients who have been using 3C products for a long time are more likely to suffer from re-myopia, which is the so-called regression of the degree. It is necessary to develop a good habit of using the eyes so as not to be short-sighted once more. It is necessary to take a break, and it is necessary to rest for 10 minutes following using the eyes for 30 minutes at close range.

3. Can I work and exercise immediately following myopia laser surgery?

It can be judged whether it can work according to the pain and foreign body sensation in the patient’s eyes. After the laser is done, usually there will be a little foreign body sensation in the eyes for the next two or three days, but basically it will not affect the life. If some people are worried that it will affect the work, it is suggested that the laser can be performed on Thursday, and it will be fine from Friday to weekend Take a break and go back to work normally on Monday. Exercise is recommended to start following one month.

5 Questions to Ask Before Myopia LASIK Surgery

  1. What are the preoperative examinations?

  2. Are you familiar with the operation comparison, advantages, disadvantages, and safety of myopia laser?

  3. To what extent can the myopia laser be corrected?

  4. What kind of care will the postoperative physician and medical facility provide?

  5. Is there a potential risk of eye disease in the future?

Before deciding to undergo myopia laser surgery, in addition to understanding the various myths of the surgery, the most important thing is to consult with the doctor to clarify the condition of your eyes, especially the thickness of the cornea and eye diseases. You need to seek a professional doctor’s examination first .

Photo/ Yang Shaochu

Original article:Want to do myopia laser surgery but afraid of surgical risks and postoperative dry eyes?Experts Debunk 3 Big Myths

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