Debtors of alimony payments will not be able to be awarded Corfo projects – La Discusión 2024-07-21 05:43:04

Within the framework of its Gender Strategy and in line with the provisions of the Law on Parental Responsibility and Effective Payment of Child Support Debts (Law No. 21,484), Corfo established new criteria in its application processes for its support programs, so that those who are in the National Registry of Debtors of Child Support do not receive subsidies/co-financing.

To this end, the Corporation introduced modifications to the bases of its instruments and incorporated as a mandatory requirement for applicants (natural persons) not to be registered as a debtor of alimony. Moreover, this condition will be reviewed by Corfo at different stages of the application and award process, that is, both in the admissibility of the proposed projects, prior to the drafting of the subsidy/co-financing agreement, and before the transfer of resources.

It is worth remembering that Corfo updated its Gender Strategy, which establishes a special commitment to address inequalities, barriers and gender gaps (“IBB”) in its internal and external management. This determination for those debtors of alimony is also added to a series of other affirmative action initiatives such as different national and regional calls with a gender focus. In addition, the Corporation grants additional co-financing to those companies that are selected in programs without a gender focus, but that demonstrate having female leadership (the increase is at least 10%).

Bonus: 40 hour stamp

Another important modification of Corfo in the bases of its different programs and/or instruments is related to the application of Law No. 21,561, better known as the “40-hour law” which reduces the working day in Chile.

To encourage the use of this Law that benefits the country’s workers, the Corporation will award an additional score, consisting of a 5% bonus on the final grade obtained following the evaluation to those projects of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that have this seal granted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security that certifies the early implementation of the reduction of the working day.

In the event of a tie for the allocation of resources, in the final score between two or more projects, Corfo will select the project presented by the company that has benefited from this additional score (if the tie persists, it will prioritize the project that was submitted first).

To date, this benefit has already been applied, for example, in the calls for various instruments that support business innovation, such as Innova Alta Tecnología, Crea y Valida, Innova Región, Human Capital and for its new Technological Absorption Program for Innovation.

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