Debt reduction with fiscal discipline

The interview took place in Washington, where Mr. Hatzidakis is in order to participate in the work of the Annual Meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

In the cable of the agency, it is stated that the goal envisages the reduction of the debt from 162% of GDP in 2024 to 149% in 2025 and 133.4% in 2028, a year in which – as noted in the cable – if the downward trend is maintained, the Greek debt will be lower than the Italian one, which in 2027 is predicted to reach 137.5% of GDP from 135.8% this year.

It is also noted the early repayment of loans in the next three years, which will also compress the ratio of debt to GDP.

The agency notes that the government predicts growth of the Greek economy in 2024 by 2.2% and the IMF by 2.3%, “well above the IMF’s forecast of 0.8% growth in the eurozone, which includes industrialized countries such as Germany and Italy.”

It also highlights statements by Mr. Hatzidakis according to which: “We learned the lessons of the previous decade. Greece was living beyond its means. It is important to maintain primary surpluses and an overall deficit, after servicing the debt, close to zero. We have oversight from markets and investors, we know that fiscal prudence is a prerequisite to convince everyone that we are a credible government and a credible country.”

Besides, in a question about requests for salary increases, Mr. Hatzidakis said: “We always try to accommodate requests that come from various groups, to the extent that these requests do not jeopardize the execution of the budget and the goal that has been set for the country and for the Greek economy as a whole”.

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#Debt #reduction #fiscal #discipline
It looks like you’ve shared ⁢a snippet of JavaScript code related to the Google Publisher Tags (GPT) and various ad services such as Google AdSense, Adman, and OneSignal, along with​ Disqus configuration for‍ comments. Here’s a breakdown of the code you’re working with ⁢and how it​ is⁢ set up to handle ad management and ​integration:

### Key Components of‌ the Code

1. **Ad Slot Definitions**: Different ⁤ad slots are defined using ​the `googletag.defineSlot()` method. Each⁤ slot is ⁣associated with specific sizes ‌and mapped ​to services like Google Publisher Ads.

2. **Size⁣ Mapping**: Size mappings (`defineSizeMapping`)​ are used to specify different ad sizes for various conditions, such as device⁣ type (mobile or desktop).

3. ⁢**Targeting Parameters**: Ad ⁤targeting ‌is configured⁢ using `setTargeting()`, which ‍allows ​for ⁣better ad‌ personalization based on⁣ attributes such as `pageType`,⁢ `category`, and `article_id`.

4. **Initialization and‍ Setup**: The code ⁤contains‌ various initialization commands, such as collapsing empty‌ advertisement divs and enabling services. ​The `googletag.enableServices()` method is called to enable the Google Publisher Tags (GPT) services.

5. **Display Ad Units**: Ad units are ​displayed using the `displaySlot()` function, ​which takes care of rendering the defined ad slots on the page.

6. **Mobile and Desktop Handling**: Depending on⁣ the device type, some‍ ads or ad‌ elements are removed⁣ from the DOM‍ to ensure ‌compatibility ‌and optimized UX.

7.‍ **Third-Party Integrations**:

– ‌**AdSense**: This section appears ⁤to dynamically ‌remove or manage AdSense‌ ads based on the device type.

– **Disqus**: Initializes Disqus⁢ for commenting services, with page-specific identifiers⁣ to​ track discussions.

– **OneSignal**: Used for push notifications with⁢ a specific `appId`.

– **Other Ad Integrations**: There are commented-out ‍sections for ⁣various other ad services (like Phaistos Adman, Taboola, and‌ Glomex) that suggest potential⁣ future integrations.

### Example of⁢ How to Implement

If you’re ⁣looking‌ to‌ implement or modify something in this ​snippet, consider the following steps:

– ‍**Define Your Ad Slots**: ​Ensure that all ad slots ‍you want ⁤to ⁢use are correctly defined at the beginning, ‍with appropriate size mappings for⁢ desktop⁢ and mobile devices.

– ⁤**Set Targeting Options**: Customize⁢ your‍ targeting parameters for better ⁤ad ‌performance and relevance‌ to the⁤ content ⁤being displayed.

– ⁢**Load Additional Scripts Asynchronously**: For any third-party integrations (like Disqus or OneSignal), ensure you are loading scripts asynchronously⁣ to avoid slowing down ‍page‌ rendering.

– **Device-Specific Logic**: Make sure your code appropriately handles mobile versus desktop​ views, possibly​ modifying the user experience‌ or ad display accordingly.

-⁢ **Error Handling**: Add ​error handling for script loading to manage scenarios where ⁤a third-party⁤ service may⁢ fail or‍ take too ⁢long to load.

### Conclusion

The provided JavaScript manages a relatively complex‌ advertisement and notification⁢ system for a ⁢website. It’s crucial to‌ maintain ⁢best practices⁢ in ad management, such as ensuring that ‍the ‍user ⁢experience is smooth and ‌that ads are relevant⁢ to the⁢ users while embracing responsiveness based on device type. If you plan ​to amend or expand ⁤this ⁢code, keep‌ in⁢ mind the importance of performance ‌and user experience.

### How to Implement or Modify the Ad Management Code

If you’re looking to implement or modify the JavaScript code snippet for managing ads and integrating various services, here are some steps and considerations:

1. **Define Your Ad Units**:

– Ensure that you’re clearly defining your ad slots using `googletag.defineSlot()`. Customize the ID, sizes, and ad services being utilized.


googletag.cmd.push(function() {

googletag.defineSlot(‘/1234567/example_ad’, [300, 250], ‘div-gpt-ad-123456789-0’)




2. **Set Targeting Parameters**:

– Make sure to set relevant targeting parameters that can enhance ad relevance.


googletag.cmd.push(function() {

googletag.pubads().setTargeting(‘pageType’, ‘article’);

googletag.pubads().setTargeting(‘category’, ‘news’);



3. **Handle Mobile & Desktop Devices**:

– Use the `window.isMobile` check to tailor what ads should be displayed on different devices.


if (window.isMobile) {

// Modify or remove certain ads

} else {

// Handle desktop-specific ads



4. **Integrate Third-Party Services**:

– Make sure to properly initialize and load any third-party scripts you want to include, like OneSignal for push notifications or Disqus for comments.


// Example for Disqus

var disqus_config = function () { = window.location.href; = ‘unique_identifier_for_this_page’;



5. **Load Scripts Dynamically**:

– When loading scripts for different services, consider using asynchronous loading for better performance.


function asyncLoadScript(src) {

var script = document.createElement(‘script’);

script.src = src;

script.async = true;





6. **Check for Errors**:

– Using `setTimeout` for loading scripts can sometimes lead to issues if the loading takes too long. Implement error handling to manage this.

7. **Commenting Out Unused Sections**:

– Keep your code clean by removing or commenting out unused sections of code, especially commented `asyncLoadScript` calls, to avoid confusion.

8. **Testing**:

– After implementing your changes, thoroughly test on multiple devices and browsers to ensure the ads are rendering properly and that all functionalities (like comments or push notifications) work as expected.

### Example Modifications

Here’s an exemplar of how you might implement one of the sections more clearly within your code:


if (window.isMobile) {

// Remove desktop ads for mobile users

document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-desktop’).forEach(function(e) {



} else {

// Remove mobile ads for desktop users

document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e) {




const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);

if (adSenseSlots.length > 0) {

adSenseSlots.forEach(function(adSlot) {

// You could add loading logic or additional checks here



// Load Disqus comments with error handling

setTimeout(function () {

(function() {

var d = document, s = d.createElement(‘script’);

s.src = ‘’;

s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new Date());

(d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);


}, 3000);


### Conclusion

By following the steps outlined and ensuring that your code is organized, commented, and functioning as intended, you can effectively manage ad integrations and enhance user engagement through services like notifications and comments. Always keep performance in mind, and consider how ad loading impacts user experience.

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