Debate around an exceptional grant granted to the CCAS of Vallauris

2023-12-21 11:45:00

This year, the municipal social action center had to face unforeseen expenses during the vote on its initial budget. They are explained by the evolution of the payroll (increase in the minimum wage, the value of the index point and the payment of an exceptional purchasing power bonus paid in December), the increase in the number of portage of meals at home and the increase in attendance at the CCAS restaurant.

The latter, largely financed by the City, requested the municipality to benefit from an exceptional subsidy of 265,270 euros to balance its accounts.

36,270 euros not justified

“Despite my request submitted on December 11, elected officials have still not seen the documents explaining why the CCAS budget is exploding. +20% for a total budget of more than 1.3 million euros, that’s something never seen before in Vallauris. And, above all, why is a share of 36,270 euros not justified?”questions Emélie Leduc, opposition municipal councilor.

Indeed, the deliberation specifies that the evolution of the payroll costs an additional 174,000 euros to the CCAS. She estimates the increase in the number of meal deliveries and the increase in attendance at her restaurant at 55,000 euros more. But is asking for a grant of 265,270 euros.

Request an audit

“I reiterate my request concerning the documents on the CCAS workforce and comparative tables of meal deliveries as well as restaurant attendance from one year to the next. Without this information, I will not be able to vote on this deliberation”continues Emélie Leduc. “I have taken note of your request and we will not fail to respond to you within two months”replies Christophe Fonck, the first deputy mayor.

“After hearing many users and beneficiaries complaining regarding variations within the CCAS, I concluded that it was a management problem. As I do not understand, I am requesting an internal audit of its organization and its functioning. and its management. We need to understand why such large sums are being offered to us.”continues Michelle Salucki, also elected in the opposition. “You say you have feedback regarding dissatisfaction. I don’t have any. I don’t know what you’re basing this on, you can say that you have feedback, I don’t have proof of this as you move forward”says Christophe Fonck, who reiterates having taken “good note” of the request.

“I have no proof of anything, the idea is not to point fingers at anyone. You are offering us 1.3 million grants, that’s extravagant. I want to have a fair idea of ​​the number of hours worked, the number of domestic helpers, the number of satisfied beneficiaries… it’s public money, we are therefore asking that these expenses be explained to us down to the nearest euro.”continues Michelle Salucki.

In the meantime, despite four votes once morest*the deliberation is over.

*Michelle Salucki, Nicolas Berthreu, Corinne Geraci and Emelie Leduc voted once morest this deliberation.

#Debate #exceptional #grant #granted #CCAS #Vallauris



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