Debate about extending the state of emergency – 2024-03-21 10:30:34


On Wednesday, MPs debated extending the state of emergency declared over the war in Ukraine by 180 days.

Róbert Répássy, State Secretary in the Ministry of Justice, pointed out that this was necessary to ensure that all necessary resources are available to support and accommodate war refugees. The war in Ukraine presented the continent with a humanitarian challenge not seen since the Second World War and also changed Europe’s economic prospects. To address the humanitarian crisis and the consequences of international economic upheaval, Hungary must continue to develop effective and rapid national responses, he said, justifying the proposal.

The government is not asking Parliament for an unlimited mandate. The deadline provided for in the draft law and the obligation to inform parliament, which has been anchored in the Basic Law since November 2022, would clearly ensure parliamentary control.

DK: Abusing the situation

DK spokesman Gergely Arató countered that the proposal was proof that Fidesz did not want to govern in a constitutional manner. The government is looking for a legal means to continue uncontrollably what it has already been doing, namely converting public property into private property and restricting the rights of the population, cities and municipalities. “That’s what the state of emergency is for, that’s its purpose, it has nothing to do with the state of war.” The government is abusing the situation. Arató believes that if the war in Ukraine were to end, the government would quickly find another reason to re-impose a state of emergency. He pointed out that other EU countries could deal with war situations without the need for emergency laws.

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DK-Sprecher Gergely Arató.

Momentum: Decree serves to maintain power

The state of emergency and ruling by decree essentially make parliament irrelevant, added Momentum spokesman Miklós Hajnal. It was no longer enough for the government with a two-thirds majority to be able to rewrite the laws and the constitution “at will”. With the emergency law, it can use an emergency hearing or an exceptional procedure to pass laws within a few days that will turn the lives of millions of citizens upside down. Continuing to govern by decree does not serve Hungary and the Hungarian citizens, but only aims to maintain power. This cannot support Momentum.

Mi Hazánk: A political trick

Előd Novák (Mi Hazánk) described the state of emergency as a political trick, an instrument of abuse of power. He noted that the government has issued more than a thousand emergency decrees over the past four years, including some that had nothing to do with either the coronavirus pandemic or the Ukraine war.

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