Death of Charlotte Valandrey: the heartbreaking letter from the actress to her daughter Tara Lecaisne

Tara is the fruit of Charlotte Valandrey’s love with one of his ex-boyfriends. Even before she breathed her last, the actress had written a farewell letter for his daughter. The editorial staff gives you more information on this subject.

Her child, her everything

Since July 13, 2022, the world of cinema is in mourning. Charlotte Valandrey lost her life at the age of 53 ans. She was known for his many roles in the universe of the seventh art. Among the fictions in which she played, we will remember “Red Kiss”.

In real life, Charlotte Valandrey was also fulfilled despite her health. Indeed, the late woman experienced motherhood during her last years on Earth. Tara came into being through her relationship with her former husband, Arthur Lecaisne.

She was born in 2000. If so far the daughter of the actress has not reacted to her death, a moving letter has been shared on Instagram. It is a poem that the late woman had written to her offspring.

Ce poem comes from Charlotte’s book, released in 2012, titled “Don’t Forget to Love Me”. In this book, she said that Tara gave her life back in the year 2000. In writing it, the actress hoped that “these words fill” the silences between her daughter and her. She also hoped that they would “tell” Tara’s “soul” everything that her mother could not say during her lifetime.

“Let them hug you like your words hugged me this morning. “The best of mothers”, “The most beautiful of children” “, can we read.

Confident in her child’s future, Charlotte Valandrey said she believed in the young woman.

Farewell in advance to his daughter

Continuing, Charlotte Valandrey notably spoke of her disappearance in his book. The late actress thus assured her daughter that she will always be by his sideeven if she is no longer of this world.

“I will be in a laugh, in your song, never far away,” she wrote.

Whether it’s “in the night, in the rain or in the sun”, Tara can count on the presence of her mother, despite everything.

“Love as I love you my angel, my paradise,” she concluded.

Words of farewell upsetting what Internet users did not fail to comment. In the comments, many of them expressed their support for Tara during this hard time.

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Some public figures have also reacted to the death of the actress, like Gwendoline Hamon. The latter has, in fact, confessed in the comments of the post that she is “sad” to learn of the disappearance of the actress. For her, Charlotte was “a fighter”.

She was HIV positive

During her lifetime, Charlotte Valandrey led a fight against AIDS. His diagnosis dates back to 1986, whenshe was 17 years old. Moreover, the late had mentioned his illness in his novel, entitled “Bombay my love”. This book retraces the journey of a young woman suffering from a “viva” virus. Leafing through it, we find words such as “I forgive you”.

At France Sunday, Charlotte had confided that this sentence is, in reality, a message. It was intended for the person who contaminated it.

However, it was out of the question for the mother to Tara to give more details about this mysterious person. She had, in fact, asserted never reveal identity of this partner. If she had, she would be in trouble, he said. A secret she kept with her to her grave.

During this same interview, Charlotte Valandrey had also mentioned the need for HIV treatment. She had thus affirmed that if one took seriously the treatments against this disease, it can be without danger for the people with whom one has an intimate relationship. This is particularly the case of the actress for many years.

“I became HIV-harmless,” she said.

The proof thatshe was a fighter ! On hope that where she is, the actress will be happy.

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