Death after resort visit: Disney wanted to avoid dispute settlement with Disney+ clause

Disney changes its strategy and allows a widower’s lawsuit to go to court. The man is demanding compensation for the death of his wife following an allergic reaction.

Disney has reversed course in a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the widower of a woman who died after dining at a resort restaurant. CNN reported that the case will now be heard in court.

Disney waives right to arbitration

Disney had originally argued that the widower could not file a lawsuit due to a Disney+ contract. The contract contained a clause that would settle any potential disputes with the company in arbitration, which he had signed when he signed a trial subscription to the streaming service years ago.

But Disney has now announced that the company is waiving the right to arbitration. Josh D’Amaro, chairman of Disney Experiences, said in a statement sent to CNN on Monday: “At Disney, we strive to put humanity above all other considerations. In such unique circumstances as this case, we believe this situation requires a sensitive approach to find a quick resolution for the family who has experienced such a painful loss.”

Widower demands damages and compensation

D’Amaro added: “For this reason, we have decided to waive our right to arbitration and pursue the matter in court.” The decision marks a significant change in Disney’s previous legal strategy, according to CNN.

Last week, the widower’s attorney called Disney’s argument “outlandish” and “so outrageously unreasonable and unfair as to shock the judicial conscience.” The victim’s husband is now seeking more than $50,000 in damages under the Florida Wrongful Death Act, as well as compensation for emotional pain and suffering, loss of companionship and protection, loss of income, and medical and funeral expenses.

Visitor drives employee to death on Disney race track

A few years ago, a tragic death occurred at a Disney theme park in Orlando. A 24-year-old man wanted to fulfill a dream during his visit to Disney World and sit behind the wheel of a Lamborghini. This was possible on the park’s race track.

Accompanied by an employee, visitors were able to test drive their dream cars on the “Richard Petty Driving Experience Track”. However, the young man lost control of the car. He himself was only slightly injured in the accident. His passenger, the attraction’s 36-year-old operations manager, died at the scene of the accident.



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