Dear Niko – Dear Stefane…: The Androulaki-Kasselakis dialogue on X about the Cyprus issue 2024-07-22 22:24:58

Nikos Androulakis responded to Stefanos Kasselakis, who earlier, commenting on a post by the president of PASOK, urged him to raise the issue of missing Cypriots in the Eurosocialist group, while welcoming his initiative to meet with Harita Mantoles.

“I believe that the Greek and Cypriot MEPs from the political groups of the European Parliament will continue to cooperate on such important national issues as the reunification of Cyprus and of course the issue of missing persons which remains an open wound” concludes Nikos Androulakis in his answer .

The entire response Androulakis to Kasselakis on the Cyprus issue

“Dear Stefan, the past two days in Cyprus for the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion were very emotional for all of us. The major issue of missing persons has always been in my political priorities. As an MEP and member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, I participated in the preparation of a resolution of the European Parliament in 2015 together with other colleagues from Greece and Cyprus on this specific issue.

Furthermore, every year we tabled amendments to ensure that in the European Parliament’s resolution on Turkey, there would always be an explicit reference to the Turkish side to shoulder its heavy responsibilities and allow the Committee on Missing Persons to continue its work. In fact, we succeeded in increasing the European funds for the Investigative Committee on Missing Persons (IAC). I am sure that this work will be continued by our three MEPs, and especially Yannis Maniatis as a substitute member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and Vice-President of the Socialist Group responsible for external relations.

I believe that the Greek and Cypriot MEPs from the political groups of the European Parliament will continue to cooperate on such important national issues as the reunification of Cyprus and of course the issue of missing persons which remains an open wound”.

The Kasselakis comment below Nikos Androulakis’s post

“The Cypriot missing persons are also European missing persons. And Europe cannot remain silent. Thousands of families have not been reunited – not even on the grave – 50 years later.

We will highlight this humanitarian issue in the European Parliament in the coming days. The European Left will stand by the just struggle of thousands of families.

Dear Nick:

Congratulations on your excellent initiative to meet Harita Mandoles, whose words should inspire us all. You, too, put the issue of missing persons to the Eurosocialists.

Let all the progressive forces support together the struggle of these families, our common struggle. And together with the European Left and Eurosocialists, let’s ask Europe to take a clear position.”

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#Dear #Niko #Dear #Stefane.. #AndroulakiKasselakis #dialogue #Cyprus #issue



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