Dean Ayala leaves Blizzard Entertainment after 11 years in the studio – Hearthstone

As this one indicates in a message published just now on Twitter, Dean Ayala leaves Blizzard Entertainment today after 11 years spent in the studio, including more than 8 within the team. Hearthstone, most recently as Game Director. We wish him an excellent continuation for the rest of his career.

From 2011 to 2014, Dean Ayala was Quality Assurance Analyst for World of Warcraft, Diablo IIIand also Hearthstonebefore fully joining Team 5 as Game Designer until 2016. Until 2022, he will hold the position of Lead Designer, when he will replace Ben Lee as Game Director.

We will remember his regular Q&A with the community, sharing the developer’s point of view on different topics and also dropping some hints about what’s next for the title.

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