“Dealing with Deafness in One Ear: Solutions and Explanations from Experts”

2023-05-14 13:02:26


Celebrity Boy William revealed that he was deaf in his left ear. He said that his left ear was 100 percent disabled so he might only hear through his right ear. This condition has been experienced since he was 5 years old and the cause is not known with certainty.

“When I was 5 years old, my parents realized that I was unresponsive when called. So I took them to the doctor, the doctor immediately said that I was 100 percent deaf in my left ear,” said Boy William when he met in the South Jakarta area on Saturday (13/05/ 2023).

Responding to the conditions experienced by Boy William, an ear, nose, and throat specialist from Primaya Hospital, Depok, Dr. Ahmad Wahyuddin, SpTHT-KL, explained that this case did occur a lot.

“There are things that happen to both ears, there are also only 1 ear. There are 3 types of hearing loss, namely conductive, sensory-neural, and mixed hearing loss,”

“Of course we have to know what type it is first. However, if hearing decreases to 100 db, it is likely that you will experience a decrease in hearing that is sensory-neural in nature. It can also be mixed deafness, this can be confirmed by carrying out a series of examinations,” he continued.

In the case of neural sensory deafness, this condition can be experienced from birth, that is, never heard at all. It can also occur following birth, when previously you might hear, but your hearing has decreased.

“For those who have been deaf since birth, there are several factors since pregnancy, such as gestational age, history of drug consumption, and exposure to torch and rubella infections,” said Dr. Ahmad.

“However, if you have heard before, but your hearing has decreased drastically, there are several factors. If it occurs in children, it can be caused by a viral infection such as rubella, measles, parotid, which is commonly called mumps,” he explained.

To overcome the condition of deafness in one ear as experienced by Boy William, there are a number of solutions that can be done to help carry out daily activities.

“The easiest solution is to work with the surrounding environment and maintain healthy ears,” said Dr. Ahmad.

“However, to get hearing on the side that cannot hear, the solution is indeed the installation of hearing aids. If the decrease is above 100db (you can) use cochlear implants,” he concluded.

Watch Video “Having tested positive for COVID-19, Boy William explained the cost of treatment at the hospital


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