“deadly stab”, his charge against the French state and Bruno Le Maire

Carlos Ghosn describes the various tracks studied for his escape, first envisaged by the sea. Then, “among the air options, there was that of passing myself off as a member of the crew, because the customs officers did not look at everything time at controls […] In the end, I chose the trunk option. It all started with the observation made at this airport (Editor’s note: in Osaka) that the boxes were not systematically X-rayed.

“No place for fear”

The former CEO then recounts his journey in the famous trunk, “curled up”. “In the hold, I wasn’t afraid of running out of oxygen, it was a little cold, but compared to what I had experienced, that wasn’t what was going to worry me. I was so outraged at the way I was being treated that there was no room for fear. »

He also talks regarding the French government and what he feels is a lack of support. “In November 2018, for a few weeks, I received support from Renault and the French state. Then there was abandonment. “A decision taken, according to him, in January 2019, “during a meeting at the Ministry of Finance. It was the time when the yellow vests frightened the power. So Carlos Ghosn, the big boss, the high salaries… It suited everyone to drop me and appoint someone much more malleable. »

The Mayor “at the center of everything”

In the viewfinder of the former big boss, Bruno Le Maire, the Minister of the Economy. He is “the one who showed up in the most hostile way, to my great surprise. It was he who ordered the tax audit. It was he who gave a clear instruction to two members of the board of directors of Renault: ‘We abandon Carlos Ghosn, we can no longer support him’ […] Did Bruno Le Maire make the decision alone? Did he receive orders? I do not know. But he is at the center of it all. These are not accusations, these are facts, with witnesses. Tongues will loosen over time and we will know why France let me down. »



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