Deadly Mega-Storm Strikes Crimea and Southwest Russia: Latest Updates and Impacts

2023-11-27 20:31:00

Dubbed “storm of the century” and “mega-storm” by Russian media, these bad weather, underway since Sunday, have most severely affected Crimea, a Ukrainian peninsula annexed in 2014, southwest Russia and the regions partially occupied Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporizhia and Kherson in Ukraine, according to the Russian Energy Ministry.

The body of a man has been found in Sochi, a popular Russian seaside resort, according to regional authorities.

In Crimea, another man who had gone to “watch the waves” perished, an adviser to the governor of Crimea, Oleg Krioutchkov, told public television.

One person was also killed on board a boat in the Kerch Strait, between Crimea and Russia, and a body was discovered in Novorossiysk, in the Krasnodar region, according to Russian news agencies.

The death of four people was also announced by the authorities cited by the media in Moldova.

Two people were found in their car under the snow near the town of Coscalia (south-east).

The lifeless body of a man, aged 48, was discovered in the village of Cruglic (east). And that of another in Grigoriopol, a town in the separatist region of Transdniestria.

#Megastorm #dead #Russia #Ukraine #Moldova #VIDEO

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