Deadly measles appeared in the New City /

Deadly measles in the New City

A deadly disease – measles – was diagnosed in two children in the Volga region, another adult is under observation in a hospital. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets and spreads very quickly. A person may not know they are a carrier and may already be infecting others. Common complications include reduced immunity, pneumonia, swelling, and brain damage. There is no cure for measles. But vaccination can help.

The chief infectious disease specialist of the Ulyanovsk region, Valeria Rechnik, told that measles has already arrived in the region, and the main task today is to stop its spread.

A large number of contacts

There are two confirmed cases of measles among children in the Zavolzhsky district. They receive treatment on an outpatient basis, at home, nothing threatens their lives. A health worker who was examining young patients is admitted to the hospital with a suspected infection. The woman’s condition is satisfactory.

A source in the Ministry of Health says that the children who were diagnosed with measles come from a family of Tajik migrants. They live in the so-called “rubber” apartments in the New City, in not very good living conditions. Those infected have potentially been in contact with a large number of people, this is an occasion to draw the attention of the police to the state of affairs. The situation can get out of control and start an epidemic: measles is highly contagious, with an average incubation period of 11-14 days.

No specific treatment

The disease manifests itself at least on the eighth day following contact with an infected person, highlights the feature of Valery Rechnik. The incubation period in rare cases can last up to 21 days. And even before the appearance of a characteristic rash that allows you to understand the diagnosis, a person becomes dangerous to others.

The first symptoms of the disease – first the temperature rises, coughing, runny nose, conjunctivitis begins. Rashes appear on the third or fourth day, they gradually descend from the head and upper limbs. This phasing allows you to distinguish measles from chickenpox – this is the main feature.

There are no pills or medicines for measles, you can only relieve the symptoms. Treatment is supportive, experts say. Facilitates the condition of taking vitamins, antipyretics, antihistamines, drinking plenty of water, local vasoconstrictor drops for a cold.

The infection may be accompanied complications in the form of tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. The infection is highly contagious and spreads rapidly and can be fatal. In adults, it greatly reduces immunity. At risk are children and adults who have not received a preventive vaccination. Children and youth are most susceptible to infection. Adults have a hard time with the course of the disease.

On average, the patient recovers in 10-14 days if there are no complications. Re-infection, as a rule, does not occur – it develops strong immunity. If a person does get sick once more, the vaccine significantly alleviates the symptoms.

Easier to prevent

Vaccination is the most effective way to fight the virus. You can get vaccinated at any clinic in your area. According to Rechnik, there is no shortage of measles vaccine in the region. However, according to the observations of infectious disease specialists, many Ulyanovsk residents blithely refuse vaccination.

Primary vaccination is done in childhood – at 12 months, then at 6 years. Adults at risk in the future should undergo revaccination every 10 years.

You can find out whether you have been vaccinated by consulting the vaccination certificate at the clinic at the place of residence – this is an insert in the medical record. If it is not available or it is not possible to obtain it, you can do a blood test for antibodies or get vaccinated at any convenient time. The current combined measles vaccine (as well as rubella and mumps) is well tolerated and has no side effects.

If a person older than six years of age has been in contact with an infected person but has not been vaccinated or has only one vaccination, they are advised get an emergency vaccination within 72 hours. For example, this applies to family members or neighbors on the porch.

Rospotrebnadzor believes that the spread of measles is associated with the arrival of people from neighboring countries in the regions. The FDA has ordered a “clean-up immunization” from April 3 to December 31, 2023, vaccinating people who have not been vaccinated and do not have vaccination records, including labor migrants.

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Tatyana Lisitsyna

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