In Kesavadasapuram, Thiruvananthapuram, housewife Manorama was killed and dumped in a well by a non-state worker. In the same case, the Facebook post of the investigating officer is now becoming a novel note. Shankhumukham Assistant Commissioner DK Prithviraj shared memories clarifying his relationship with the murdered Manorama and his family.
The murdered Manorama and her husband Dinaraj were senior superintendents of the Collegiate Education Department. Prithviraj worked with them for six years in the same department before joining the police. After that he got selection as SI and became Assistant Commissioner.
Under the leadership of Prithviraj, who came to investigate the complaint that the housewife was missing, the well of the neighbor’s house was checked and the body was recovered at night. But in his note, he did not realize that it was his colleague until the body was taken out and taken to the morgue. The reason for the non-recognition may be that it was never seen once more following leaving the job. He shares the pain of having to see his colleague as a victim of a brutal murder years later and not being aware of it.
Full version of the Facebook post:
The tragic murder of a housewife named Manorama near Kesavadasapuram was a tragedy that shook the entire country. As Kazhakutam was on Acp leave and was given charge of that sub-division as well, he participated in the search operations following a complaint that the housewife was missing. At night, when the fire force took out the lifeless body of the housewife from the nearby well, I did not know that it was the lifeless body of Manorama sister, who was a colleague.
That it belonged to the beloved Dinarajan’s Sahadharmani. We were all close colleagues in the same office when I worked in the college education department for 6 years before becoming SI. Manorama hasn’t seen her sister since she joined the police from the DC office in 2003. Despite being such close colleagues in the same office, following 18 years, they might not recognize why the lifeless body was received that night. Whether it is due to outdated memories…….due to inexperience in the field of work being performed…….due to unexpected association…….even if not intentional, these lapses of recognition are irremediable mistakes.
Manorama chechi’s soul can only be unconditionally forgiven…….forgiveness. He apologized with heart-wrenching pain. He also met Dinarajan and expressed his condolences. Tears flow with the realization that all this is incomplete and irreparable.