The 14-year-old from Lower Austria, who was found lifeless in the apartment of a 26-year-old in Vienna-Simmering late on Tuesday morning, was known to the child and youth welfare services in the state. A spokesman in St. Pölten did not provide any further information. Yesterday, Wednesday, the authorities confirmed that there is currently no foul play in the case involving the dead woman. According to the public prosecutor’s office, there is no evidence of a sexual or drug offense.
A toxicological report should now clarify the exact cause of death; experience shows that this takes several weeks. However, residues of substances were found in the young woman’s body during the postmortem examination. The report is intended to clarify whether the teenager’s death has any connection to these substances. Where she got these from is unclear. As the public prosecutor’s office emphasized, there is currently no indication that the 26-year-old might be linked to this. He is also not listed as a suspect.

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