David de los Santos arrived dehydrated at Darío Contreras

Between family and friends David of the Saintsthe 24-year-old who died following being detained in a detachment of the National Police in Naco, there is a bitter taste that accompanies his pain for the loss: that the young man did not receive the medical care he needed on time.

However, among the directors of the two hospitals that treated the young man for the severe traumas that he presented in various parts of the body and whose causes are under investigation, there is the conviction that they did everything they should and ordered the health protocol to those cases.

“Not only did they damage him, but they also let him die,” says Lerián Alberto Contreras, David’s friend who helped his relatives look for him when they reported him missing and who was the person who found him in the Francisco Moscoso Puello Hospitalfollowing the police themselves told them that they had taken him there, because he had allegedly had pressure problems.

To get to Moscoso PuelloHowever, his blood pressure had stabilized, because according to the information provided by the director of the center, Enmanuel Silverio, the young man’s blood pressure was normal reading.

Silverio assured Free Journal that the patient was given full attention, including skull tomography, chest sonography, that he was medicated and channeled.

It maintains that no more than half an hour passed between the arrival of the patient and the completion of the studies, the results of which indicated that it was a patient who deserved to be referred to a trauma hospital, and then they proceeded to take the steps to send him to Ney Arias. Lora.

But his statement clashes with Alberto’s statement, which assures that when he found his friend David he still had the indications of the studies they sent him to do on the stretcher and that the staff alleged that the young man did not allow them to do it because he was uncontrollable.

Alberto finds it strange, since he claims to have found David almost unconscious and that due to the lack of diligence to attend to him properly, he arranged for him to be taken to the Darío Contreras trauma hospital.

He arrived at that center by private ambulance last Friday followingnoon, two days following he left his home in Los Alcarrizos and was last seen in the Ágora Mall shopping plaza, where he would have had an inconvenience with an employee, held by the security of the square and then handed over, handcuffed, to the National Police.

“He came straight to the unit, in extremely delicate conditions, severe dehydration, with a head injury, which was roughly what it looked like, and he was immediately treated in the shock trauma unit (it is an intensive care unit, but in emergencies) in our hospital. From there he was taken to our formal unit, on the third floor, intensive care, where he died in the followingnoon of Sunday ”declared Blessed Cesar Roquedirector of Darío Contreras.

The doctor does not establish how long the patient might have had without receiving liquid, nor the reason for the severe dehydration if he was channeled from the center that referred him, since he clarifies that in medicine two plus two does not always equal four, in addition to the fact that, in people muscular, as is the case with David, dehydration can easily occur.

What it does make clear is that, in that center, David of the Saints He lacked nothing, including attention.

“All the measures were applied, because thank God, the bed that was assigned to him was empty, and the intensive care bed was empty, because we never have a bed there, my intensive care has 21 beds, which is the largest in the country and is always full, but he got a bed,” he said.

He emphasizes that “he got to where he had to go, he needed a fan and here it was; he needed an intensive care bed, here it was. The scenario was given to him, ”says the doctor, with a version corroborated by Alberto, who assures that everything possible was done in that center to save the life of his friend.

Regarding the marks of possible burns, apparently with electric shocks, that relatives claim to have seen on David’s body, both directors of the health centers preferred not to make references to the evaluations, alleging that they are part of the corresponding investigations. to the National Institute of Forensic Sciences (Inacif), especially when there is an ongoing investigation.

Although the way in which the blows to David’s body were produced, which led to the conclusion in “severe blunt head trauma” in the death certificate that gave homicide as the cause of death, despite the fact that the Police claim they did not put their hand on him and have suggested that the young man injured himself.

Yesterday, the Minister of the Interior and Police, Jesús Vásquez Martínez, visited the Naco detachment where he was detained David of the Saints and from there he announced that he will announce a series of prevention measures so that cases like this do not happen once more.

He also reiterated his promise that “whoever is guilty of the death will pay the consequence, no matter who they are.”

“The investigation of the case is at the hands of an independent Public Ministry. The Public Ministry is working to bring out the truth and only the truth”, he stated.

Professional with honors

The National Evangelical University (UNEV) repudiated the death of David De los Santos on Tuesday, and said that it greatly regretted the death of one of its graduates. He sent condolences to the young man’s family for the loss of the professional, “born in a family that believes in God, a young man who managed to train as a professional in Physical Education at UNEV, obtaining the highest honors in his promotion.” The UNEV also asked the Public Ministry to clarify the fact and punish those responsible with the full weight of the law. The UNEV authorities, in the person of its rector Juan Guerrero Ávila, expressed their sadness, indignation and concern regarding this case and that of other citizens who died at the hands of the police in confusing circumstances.

David’s inconvenient version of the store

The employees of one of the Ágora Mall stores, where the woman who had allegedly been threatened by the young man works David of the Saintsthey explained to Free Journal how the incident that led to your arrest began.

According to the narration, the woman who was threatened is around 40 years old, has three children and a grandson. They make this clarification to rule out any link that may be suggested between the lady and the deceased young man.

The employees affirm that they had never seen him, that they simply received him in the store as they usually receive customers “with great kindness”. They specify that everything became strange at the moment that the young man looked and allegedly pointed to the woman, telling her that he wanted to talk to her.

The insistence that the young man had to talk to the lady generated panic in the workers.

One of the women stated that De los Santos asked the woman: “What do you ask of God?” She adds that there she told him that she was asking for her family, health and all that… Then the young man asked her if she was not asking for her life and told her to think regarding it. “There once he told her to ask for her life that in fifteen days he would come for her,” said one of her employees.

She indicated that at that moment the lady was very frightened and crying, so the other companion asked a third, discreetly, not to leave her alone because she was looking for help in the square.

“At that moment, a random soldier was passing by and he thought that the girl had called him and he got scared, there he told my partner that she had called the police and left,” he specified.

He assures that David walked to another store and that, as he had already alerted the security personnel, they went looking for him to clarify his attitude towards the lady.

According to the version of the employees, the lady was very nervous and a client stayed helping her to calm down.

He is a journalist at Diario Libre.

Dominican journalist, graduated from the Technological University of Santiago (UTESA).



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