“Data.Facts.Picture Book” provides insights into the BH Freistadt

For the Freistadt district administration, the year 2023 was one that was characterized by unprecedented highs in many areas. This emerges from the performance report that district governor Andrea Wildberger – she has been in office for exactly six months since yesterday – presented last week under the title “Data.Facts.Picturebook”. For example, 526 business registrations were processed – more than ever before in a year.

The number of export certificates for cattle issued by the veterinary service has exploded: 63,387 cattle were exported through the cattle breeding association in Freistadt last year (2021: 37,800). The trend in the number of driving licenses and travel documents issued has also been clearly upward in recent months.

The BH Freistadt is very pleased to have recently received the EMAS seal of quality for verified environmental management. “This certificate confirms our measures for operational environmental protection. We are also the first BH in Upper Austria to carry this seal of quality,” says Wildberger, especially thanks to project manager Alois Affenzeller.

The proportion of women among employees in the Freistadt district administration is notable, currently at 79 percent. Wildberger: “This is not least a sign of the compatibility of work and family.” Nevertheless, the aim is to increase the male quota to around 30 percent in the medium term.

The BH Freistadt performance report can be found on www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at be retrieved. (live)


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