Data Breach Deepens: New Wave of Unauthorized Database Access Uncovered

Rita Cavallaro

September 3, 2024

They have never stopped spying on the government and for this they must be arrested, while the investigators hunt down the accomplices and the instigators. This is the line of the Perugia Public Prosecutor’s Office, which is investigating the alleged dossier at the Antimafia, the investigation in which the financier Pasquale Striano, the former PM Antonio Laudati and the journalists of Domani Giovanni Tizian, Nello Trocchia and Stefano Vergine are involved, accused in competition of abusive access to the databases and revelation of the secret.
Investigators accuse them of having spied, from 2018 to 2022, on over 300 people, almost all of them center-right politicians but also celebrities and entrepreneurs, whose confidential information was then transmitted to journalists, becoming scoops in the newspaper to hit the opponent and influence the democratic life of the country. With the explosion of the scandal last March, when the Perugia prosecutor Raffaele Cantone issued the notices of investigation against the spies and brought to light what he himself defined as a real wormhole, the investigations continued in the utmost secrecy and the author of the monstrous number of illicit intrusions into the analysts’ system was moved by the SOS group to a small office in L’Aquila, to prevent him from repeating the crime by looking for other names at the instigation of journalists. And instead, it has now been discovered, not only have those intrusions to spy on the government not stopped, so much so that the investigation is far from being concluded, but attempts to tamper with evidence have also been put in place. Circumstances that pushed the prosecutor to request the arrest of Striano and Laudati, not validated by the investigating judge but the subject of a hearing at the Review Court, on September 24. The one who outlined the new investigative aspects and the seriousness of the conduct that the suspects allegedly carried out was Cantone, who guaranteed that the investigations continue in search of accomplices and instigators and “their conclusion is not foreseeable in the short term”, since the investigations “have revealed further episodes of possible abusive access” to the SOS system. In this period, he explains in a note, “the collaborative relationship with the National Anti-Mafia Directorate has further intensified, which, in addition to carrying out dutiful coordination functions, has carried out further in-depth investigations on its database, providing important confirmation to the investigations in progress”. The prosecutor confirms that “last May the office requested the personal precautionary measure of house arrest against the Guardia di Finanza officer and the former deputy prosecutor of the DNA, who had already been investigated and had received an invitation to appear in recent months.”

In the precautionary request “of 200 pages”, “all the elements collected that demonstrated the existence of serious evidence of guilt, episode by episode, were brought to the attention of the investigating judge”, Cantone specifies, and specific circumstances were highlighted, attributable to both suspects”, which were considered “to integrate serious facts of evidentiary contamination capable of damaging the authenticity of the considerable body of evidence already acquired”. The prosecutor emphasizes that for Striano, “albeit in vis subordinate, the risk of repetition of the crimes” was raised, given that the suspect works in a non-operational department and without the possibility of accessing the databases. Although the investigating judge of Perugia rejected the request, he nevertheless considered “the existence of multiple, serious and precise evidence in relation to all the precautionary cases indisputable”, Cantone states, citing the order, against which the Prosecutor’s Office has appealed to the Review Court. In short, for the judge, the accusatory system not only holds up, but also outlines in a documentary way what is considered the greatest political-judicial scandal of the Third Republic, hatched in that sacred temple of the Anti-Mafia where servants of the State worked against the State.

#unauthorized #access #databases #Tempo
2024-09-05 07:59:10



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