Dasco’s Quietude: KIM Cancels Special Cabinet Matters Meeting

KIM to Discuss Cabinet”/>
Daily Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad.(MI/Susanto)

THE Daily Chair of the Gerindra Party, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, said that until now the general chairmen of the political parties (Parpol) of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) have not held a meeting to discuss the composition of ministers who will accompany the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka government.

“There have been no special meetings, none yet,” said Dasco when met at the DPR/MPR building, Central Jakarta, Saturday (14/9/2024).

Dasco is confident that Prabowo will ultimately communicate with all the general chairmen of political parties in KIM in determining who his ministers will be.

“At the right time, it will be announced to fellow political party chairmen,” said Dasco.

According to Dasco, the decision to choose ministers in the 2024-2049 cabinet is the right of President-elect Prabowo Subianto.

Dasco himself is confident that whoever Prabowo chooses will be a figure who has a track record and background that is in line with the ministry he will lead.

Also read: KIM doesn’t mind new political parties joining

Regarding the Zaken cabinet previously echoed by the Secretary General of the Gerindra Party, Ahmad Muzani, Dasco admitted that his party was still discussing a cabinet that would be filled entirely by people from professional circles.

However, Dasco did not rule out the possibility that in the Zaken cabinet there would still be people from political parties who also had a background in the professional field.

“A professional, of course, apart from being a political party, must also understand the field and ministry that he will lead,” explained Dasco.

Dasco still cannot confirm the ratio of people from professional and political parties in the Prabowo-Gibran cabinet. (Ant/P-3)

#Dasco #Special #Meeting #KIM #Discuss #Cabinet

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I apologize, but the content you provided appears to be a news article ⁤in Indonesian, and it seems​ you want me to write a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article ⁣on the topic of

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Here’s a​ new article⁤ on the topic of



Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


element is one of the most versatile and widely used HTML elements in web development. It is a generic container element that allows developers to‌ group other HTML elements ‍together and apply styles, layouts, and behaviors to‍ them. In this‍ article, ​we’ll ⁣explore the uses, benefits, and best practices of the

element in‍ HTML.

What is⁣ the



element is a block-level element that‍ is used to define a division or a section of an​ HTML document. It ⁢is a generic element that can be used to wrap around other HTML elements, such as text, images, links, forms, tables, ​and more.​ The⁤

element is a⁤ containership element, which means it can contain other elements, ​but it doesn’t have any intrinsic meaning or functionality on its own.

Uses of the



element is ⁤used in a variety of​ ways in web development, including:

Layout and structuring: To define the layout and structure of a web page, such as creating columns, rows, and sections.

Styling:⁣ To apply CSS styles, ⁣such as colors, fonts, and backgrounds, to a group of elements.

Semantic meaning: To provide⁣ semantic meaning to a group ⁢of elements, ⁢such as ⁢defining a header, footer, or navigation menu.

JavaScript functionality: ⁢To attach JavaScript events and behaviors to a group of elements.

Benefits of Using the



element offers several benefits, including:

Flexibility: The

element can⁣ be used to create a wide range of layouts and structures.

Reusability:⁣ The

‍ element can ​be reused throughout a web page or website, reducing code duplication.

Accessibility: The

element can be used to improve the accessibility of a web page by providing a clear structure and semantic‌ meaning.

Best⁣ Practices for Using the


To get the most out of the

element, follow these best practices:

Use it sparingly: Avoid overusing the

element, as it can lead to cluttered⁢ and confusing HTML code.

Use‍ semantic elements: Use semantic HTML elements, such as
