Dasco’s Inability to Organize Special KIM Meeting on Cabinet Issues

KIM to Discuss Cabinet”/>

Daily Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad.(MI/Susanto)

THE Daily Chair of the Gerindra Party, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, said that until now the general chairmen of the political parties (Parpol) of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) have not held a meeting to discuss the composition of ministers who will accompany the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka government.

“There have been no special meetings, none yet,” said Dasco when met at the DPR/MPR building, Central Jakarta, Saturday (14/9/2024).

Dasco is confident that Prabowo will ultimately communicate with all the general chairmen of political parties in KIM in determining who his ministers will be.

“At the right time, it will be announced to fellow political party chairmen,” said Dasco.

According to Dasco, the decision to choose ministers in the 2024-2049 cabinet is the right of President-elect Prabowo Subianto.

Dasco himself is confident that whoever Prabowo chooses will be a figure who has a track record and background that is in line with the ministry he will lead.

Also read: KIM doesn’t mind new political parties joining

Regarding the Zaken cabinet previously echoed by the Secretary General of the Gerindra Party, Ahmad Muzani, Dasco admitted that his party was still discussing a cabinet that would be filled entirely by people from professional circles.

However, Dasco did not rule out the possibility that in the Zaken cabinet there would still be people from political parties who also had a background in the professional field.

“A professional, of course, apart from being a political party, must also understand the field and ministry that he will lead,” explained Dasco.

Dasco still cannot confirm the ratio of people from professional and political parties in the Prabowo-Gibran cabinet. (Ant/P-3)

#Dasco #Special #Meeting #KIM #Discuss #Cabinet

– What are the best practices for using the

element⁢ in HTML?

Understanding the​ Div Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide

The ⁤

element is a fundamental building block in⁤ HTML, used to define a section or division of content within an HTML​ document. In this article, we will delve‌ into the world of the

element, exploring its‍ definition, syntax, uses,⁢ and best practices‍ for effective utilization ​in web development.

Definition of the Div ⁤Element


element is a generic container element in HTML, ⁢used to group elements ‌for⁤ styling, layout, or⁣ semantic purposes. It is a block-level ​element, meaning it takes up the full width of its parent element and starts on‍ a‌ new line. The

element is often used to wrap around other HTML elements, applying ⁢styles,⁤ or adding layout constraints to the wrapped content.

Syntax of the⁤ Div Element

The basic syntax of the

element is as follows:


Where “Content” represents the text, images, or other HTML elements wrapped within the


Uses of the Div Element


⁢ element has numerous uses in web development, including:

  1. Layout and Styling: The
    element is often used to apply CSS​ styles, layouts, and positioning to a​ group of elements.
  2. Semantic Meaning:
    elements can be used to add semantic⁤ meaning to a section of content, such as defining ⁤a header, footer, or navigation⁢ menu.
  3. Content Organization: The
    element helps organize content into logical sections,‌ making it easier to ‍read and maintain.
  4. Accessibility: ‍
    elements can be used to improve accessibility by providing a way to group elements⁣ for screen readers‌ and other assistive ⁢technologies.

Best Practices for Using the Div Element

  1. Use meaningful class names:⁤ Assign descriptive and meaningful class‌ names to your
    ⁣elements to ​improve code readability and maintainability.
  2. Keep it semantic: Use
    elements to add semantic meaning to your content,⁣ rather than relying on presentational ⁢HTML ⁤tags like , , ‌or .
  3. Avoid over-nesting: Refrain from⁣ excessive nesting of
    elements, as ‌it ​can lead ⁢to complex HTML structures and decreased performance.
  4. Use CSS for styling: Instead of using
    elements for⁢ styling purposes, utilize CSS ⁢to apply styles and layouts to your⁢ content.

Real-World ⁣Example: The Div Element in Action

In the provided article snippet, we can see ⁤the

element in action:


In this example, the

element is not explicitly used, but the ‍

element serves a similar purpose, wrapping around⁣ the image and its caption. The class="main-img" attribute ‌adds semantic‍ meaning to the element, allowing for targeted styling and layout control.



⁣ element⁣ is a versatile and essential component of HTML, used to define, style,‌ and organize content within an HTML⁤ document. By following best practices and understanding the ​uses and syntax of the

element, web‍ developers can create more​ efficient, accessible, and maintainable web pages.


  1. What is the purpose of the
    element in HTML?


element is used‌ to define a section or division of ⁢content within an HTML document, providing a way to group elements for styling, layout, or semantic purposes.

  1. Can⁢ I use the⁣
    element for styling purposes?

While it’s possible‌ to use the

element for styling, it’s recommended ⁢to use CSS for styling purposes, reserving the

element for adding semantic meaning to your content.

  1. How many
    elements can I nest within each other?

There is no specific limit to the number of​

elements you can nest, but excessive nesting can lead to complex HTML structures and decreased performance. It’s essential to strike a balance between organization and⁢ simplicity.

Optimized Keywords

div element

HTML element

web development

‌CSS styling

⁣ semantic meaning


HTML syntax

best practices

What are the benefits of using the div element in HTML?

Understanding the Div Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide

What is the Div Element?


element is a fundamental building block in HTML, used to define a section or division of content within an HTML document. It is a generic container element that groups elements for styling, layout, or semantic purposes.

Syntax of the Div Element

The basic syntax of the

element is as follows:



element can also have attributes, such as id, class, and style, to add additional functionality and styling to the element.

Uses of the Div Element


element has several uses in HTML:

  1. Styling and Layout: The
    element can be used to apply styles to a section of content, such as background colors, borders, and padding.
  2. Semantic Meaning: The
    element can be used to add semantic meaning to a section of content, such as indicating a header, footer, or navigation menu.
  3. Grouping Elements: The
    element can be used to group elements together, making it easier to apply styles and layout to multiple elements at once.
  4. Creating Sections: The
    element can be used to create sections within an HTML document, such as a header section, content section, or footer section.

Best Practices for Using the Div Element

Here are some best practices for using the

element in HTML:

  1. Use semantic HTML elements: Instead of using multiple
    elements to create a layout, use semantic HTML elements such as


  2. Use a clear and consistent naming convention: Use a clear and consistent naming convention for your
    elements, such as using IDs and classes to identify specific elements.
  3. Avoid over-nesting: Avoid over-nesting
    elements, as this can make your HTML structure harder to read and maintain.
  4. Use CSS for styling: Use CSS to style your
    elements, rather than relying on inline styles or presentational HTML attributes.
  5. Keep it simple: Keep your HTML structure simple and easy to read, avoiding unnecessary
    elements and using them only when necessary.

Common Use Cases for the Div Element

Here are some common use cases for the


  1. Hero Sections: The
    element can be used to create hero sections on a website, such as a full-screen background image or a featured content section.
  2. Content Sections: The
    element can be used to create content sections, such as a blog post or an article.
  3. Navigation Menus: The
    element can be used to create navigation menus, such as a horizontal or vertical menu.
  4. Footer Sections: The
    element can be used to create footer sections, such as a copyright notice or a contact information section.



element is a versatile and essential building block in HTML, used to define sections or divisions of content within an HTML document. By following best practices and using semantic HTML elements, you can create a well-structured and maintainable HTML document.



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