“Dark? We are the ones who intervened the least” –

Francesco Lollobrigida, Minister of Agriculture, was interviewed by Corriere della Sera and wanted to deny the lies regarding Rai becoming a party organ, with the latest example of the case of Antonio Scurati: “On the Scurati case or on one of our alleged seizure of power in Rai, we are faced with a lie that the more it is repeated, the more it seems true, even if it is a falsehood. This is the government that has intervened the least on Rai. It appears to me that Giorgia Meloni published Scurati’s entire speech on her social media, and if you allow it it’s worth a little more in terms of popularity and publicity. Most of this author’s books talk regarding Mussolini and fascism. All this advertising will help him sell more. The problem is another. I say one thing clearly, it is our Constitution that is profoundly anti-fascist, indeed in a thoughtful, wise manner, it was written to avoid the advent of any totalitarianism. And therefore to guarantee freedom of expression, economic and social growth, respect, non-violence. I swore an oath on the Constitution – the minister remarked – and it is obvious that I share all its founding principles. But it is precisely on the basis of the Constitution that I wonder in what capacity the ‘anti-fascist professionals’ can prevent the editor of a newspaper from speaking at the University, decide to interrupt the session of the Academic Senate with squadrist methods or decide who can say or what can he say. Or who can or cannot celebrate April 25th.”

What gnaws at me..., Porro takes out Scurati's video: how he responded to the journalist

“We – Lollobrigida then claims, changing the subject – have done enormous things for agriculture, also thanks to the connection with previous ministers. Never before has agriculture been so central to the Italian economic system, and never have the allocations been so high. No association has joined those at war in Brussels, and all of them, from Coldiretti to Legacoop, will tell you that they are satisfied with our work. This matters to me.” With all due respect to the critics of the left.

Who profits from it.  Scurati case, Ghisleri reveals who goes up and who goes down

#Dark #intervened #Tempo
2024-04-24 16:26:44



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