“Daring Dog Owner Saves Pet from Alligator Attack in Florida Park”

2023-05-22 05:21:36

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Von: Romina Kunze

An alligator snaps out of nowhere: The moment of shock is followed by the bold heroic deed with which Fisher Green probably saved his dog’s life.

Florida – It takes a lot of courage to stand in the way of a wild animal, which is shown not least by the violent attacks by bears and wolves in Europe. In the case of a dog owner in Florida, a strong protective instinct was probably also decisive.

Fisher Green was walking in the park with his girlfriend Kylee when an alligator appeared from nearby water and snapped at the couple’s dog. The owner with presence of mind pounces on the huge reptile and frees the four-legged friend from the alligator’s mouth, as reported by several US media.

Three and a half meter long alligator attacks walkers – dog owners react bravely

According to reports, the incident happened on Friday (May 12) in the city of Oviedo, near Orlando (US state of Florida), but it was only made public late because Green did not initially report the attack. He must have impressed the animal – after all, the equivalent of three and a half meters long – with his courageous intervention: after the dog owner had jumped on the alligator’s beefy torso, the frightened let go of the German shepherd mix “Mako”.

The attack by a giant alligator (around three and a half meters) in Florida was relatively unscathed for animals and humans; thanks above all to the courageous intervention of the dog owner. © Billy Girard/Facebook (montage)

“Fortunately, the owner was able to save the dog from the alligator’s clutches,” wrote wildlife officials Billy Girard on Facebook Pictures of the reptile and the attacked dog shared. A day after the attack, the couple informed park employees, who in turn informed the responsible wildlife authority, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC).

How daring and risky the rescue operation was in the end can be seen elsewhere Color in the video: as if they were made of modeling clay, an alligator bends the bars of their cages a metal fence.

After an attack while walking: happy ending for the dog, but not for the alligator

Girard writes that Mako is being treated at a veterinary clinic and will probably make a full recovery. Its split image of an X-ray suggests broken ribs of the four-legged friend. Meanwhile, the incident had a more fatal aftermath for the aggressive alligator: Authorities tracked down the reptile and killed it before it “could cause any further damage,” the wildlife officer continued in his Facebook post.

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Not the first time there have been dangerous alligator attacks in Florida: How Sky News reported, a similarly sized giant lizard recently attacked an elderly woman and tore her into the water. She was also traveling with her dog, and the fatal attack was probably also aimed at the pet.

“There are a variety of large alligators in this area,” Lisa McDonald, spokeswoman for the city of Oviedo, told Fox News. Since the giant lizards are currently mating season, the risk of attacks is increasing. The authorities called on residents to be careful and keep a sufficient distance from water. An Instagram video appears all the more careless: the recordings show one Woman innocently splashing with an alligator. (rku)

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