“Dao Surin” swims to show her fit figure is the reason why she loves 5 years. “Nong Yong” is very happy, wants to get married.

meet solo, join the sacrifice of the drama “dear mami” at Channel 3, Nong Khaem, where the actor participated, so asked about the netizens screaming at the picture of us taking off our shirts in the pool?

“If you notice before, I will have some down. because I am a person who likes to swim But there is very little opportunity to go swimming. Because we still enjoy doing other exercises. like football But now that we’re getting older work more too So find something that you feel has a chance. will be less injured or not injured at all, so sports that hit me will start to stop, such as basketball, football, rock climbing, take a break and then choose a good sport that won’t collide It looks from what we like. And the water is already supporting us. If we don’t jump anything vigorously Or doing anything more than the body can handle, it’s not dangerous. When swimming, we learn about breathing. get real cardio But we still need muscles. So I took the bodyweight. various push-ups Come down with swimming as well. Do it as a set. You will see it again and again if you are not bored (laughs). After doing it, the fans like it. Come and tell me to follow can women do Young men have also come in. it was good I watched my friends do it a lot. Watch clips of foreign trainers too. I found something good that I wanted to share. It might also create something new for us and others.”

We want to be a coach for others?

“We just want to present it in our style. There will be sit-ups, push-ups in shallow pools, deep pools. We usually do it and try to take pictures for others.”

Are you proud when someone wants to follow us?

“I’m proud. I’m really happy. If it’s useful to him, it’s great. Every clip will focus on how everyone can do it easily and safely.”

In addition to people who want to follow, there are people who focus on our bodies as well?

“There is a lot of shyness in this regard. But I’m glad he followed us. including those who have been following all along Now that we’re getting older, we need to take better care of ourselves. I’m glad that I’m still at the point where the kids think that we still look good enough. There are quite a lot of people making fun of them.”

Not so shy that you don’t dare to take it off?

“No, we’re in the swimming pool, it has to be like this. It’s ok.”

Will you take it off more often?

“According to the timing and opportunity. I kept it all the time and cut it out and needed some time to create new moves. The fans will be bored.”

Who doesn’t want to play clashing sports because they’ve been injured?

“Well, I noticed myself lately. We injure ourselves unintentionally. For example, we play football without hitting anything with our friends, just jumping up, heading, legs flipping, it’s always something that hits itself. Or perhaps running to the rhythm of the twisted knee. Climb the rhythm down and miss. So I came to think that if it was a sport like this We’d better rest. We’d better save first. Because as soon as we get hurt, we can’t work. Now our muscles may not be as strong as before. So we choose where we are healthy, safe, and still be us. His Highness must still be alive (laughs). It will hurt that we overdo it. Now at the right moment When we work a lot, we play a little. When I exercise, I will wear it to the fullest. I don’t hold back. When the beat is wrong, it hurts badly. or prolonged pain Now I know that when I have a lot of work, this is enough to play. More than that, it will do more harm than good.”

Ask about love with Nong Yong, your girlfriend, is it close to getting married?

“Right now, not soon. But there was enough to talk about. for many years as well When it comes to covids, it’s like many people. The ones that perhaps need some slowdowns. Something has been postponed. But it’s going in a good direction. Let’s talk about when and how to share. Because the younger siblings got married, we felt pretty cute. The moment was really good.”

Aren’t you afraid that you won’t be able to use it in time?

“If assuming I have a child who is 40, when my child is a young man of 20, then I will be 60, it’s really a lot to start (laughs). I myself want to have it because I’m a kid I raised all my grandchildren in the house. All through my hands then look again My boyfriend was not in a hurry. His younger brother is 8-9 years older than me. There is still time to talk and decide on this matter.”

How many years have you been together?

“Five years, which I tentatively laid out. to be stable Both in terms of financial matters, probably another 2-3 years, already discussed that we want to stay together for a long time. have a good future together”.

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