Daniya Shah and Hakeem Shehzad Seek Government Protection

Dania Shah, ex-wife of Pakistan’s famous TV host late Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain, started receiving threats of serious consequences for remarrying, after which Dania and her husband Hakeem Shahzad have sought government security.

According to a media report, Multan High Court Bench Justice Asim Hafeez heard the petition filed for security of Daniya Shah and her current husband Hakeem Shahzad Ahmed.

The petitioner said that by calling international numbers, Daniya Shah was threatened with serious consequences for her second marriage, all the relevant institutions have also written a report to provide security to her, but security has not been provided to her yet.

During the hearing, the petitioner said that he applied to the Home Secretary, Punjab, to provide him with security, the expenses of which he was ready to pay.

According to the petitioner, Hakeem Shahzad was threatened to divorce Daniya Shah immediately and if he did not do so, he would be shot dead.

The petitioner further stated that Dania Shah was first married to the well-known religious scholar Aamir Liaquat Hussain, after his death, on completion of Idda, Dania Shah married Hakeem Shahzad Ahmed and now she is living with her husband in Shujaabad. The suburbs are based in Shahpur.

Justice Asim Hafeez of the Multan High Court bench sought the reply from the Deputy Commissioner and CPO Multan on September 17.

It should be noted that last month, Dania Shah confirmed her second marriage with her lawyer named Hakeem Shehzad through her video statement, after which the couple also held their wedding ceremony.

#Daniya #Shah #Hakeem #Shehzad #asked #government #security
2024-09-06 15:30:16
Dania Shah Seeks Government Security Amid Threats Over Remarriage

In ‍a shocking turn of ⁤events, Dania Shah, the ex-wife of the late Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain, a renowned Pakistani TV host, has reportedly received threats of severe consequences for remarrying. Following these alarming messages, Dania and​ her current husband, Hakeem ‌Shahzad, have sought government security to⁢ ensure their safety.

According to a recent media‍ report, the ⁤Multan High⁤ Court Bench, presided over ⁣by Justice Asim Hafeez, ⁤heard the petition filed by ​the couple seeking security. The petition highlighted the threats of serious consequences that Dania received through international calls for remarrying, which has put their lives ​in jeopardy.

The petitioner revealed⁤ that‌ despite writing to all ⁤relevant institutions, no security had been provided to them yet. In an attempt to resolve the matter, the ⁢petitioner had applied ‍to‌ the Home Secretary, Punjab, to provide security, offering to bear the expenses. However,‌ no tangible action has been taken so⁣ far.

In a harrowing account, the petitioner stated that Hakeem Shahzad was threatened to divorce Dania ⁢Shah immediately, or else he would be shot dead. These menacing messages have created a climate of fear for the couple, who are now seeking government intervention to ensure their protection.

Dania Shah’s past⁢ marriage to the well-known religious scholar⁤ Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain, who passed away earlier, has added a ⁢layer of ​complexity to the situation. Her decision to remarry has apparently sparked outrage among some, leading⁤ to these threats of violence.

The case highlights the pressing issue of women’s safety and security in Pakistan, particularly in ⁢the face ⁤of patriarchal⁤ societal norms and religious extremism. Dania Shah’s bold decision to remarry after the demise of her former husband has been​ met with resistance and intimidation, underscoring the need for a more inclusive and tolerant ⁤society.

As ⁣the‌ petition makes its‌ way through the judiciary, the Pakistani government⁣ is⁤ under⁤ pressure to provide​ adequate security to the couple, ensuring their right to live without fear of persecution or violence. The authorities must take concrete steps to address the‌ petition and‍ provide the necessary protection to Dania Shah‌ and her​ husband,‍ Hakeem Shahzad.

the threats faced by Dania Shah and her husband serve as a stark reminder of the challenges women face in Pakistan’s patriarchal society. It is imperative for the⁢ government and civil society to work together to create a safe and inclusive environment, where individuals, particularly women, can exercise their‍ fundamental rights without fear‌ of reprisal or persecution.

Keywords: Dania Shah, Dr. ⁤Aamir Liaquat Hussain, Hakeem Shahzad, government security, threats, remarriage, Pakistan, women’s ⁣safety, patriarchal society, religious extremism.



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