Daniela Vera Fontana Sets the Record Straight on Custody Dispute with Ex-Partner Roberto Castillo

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Daniela Vera Fontana returned to television to refute her ex-partner, Roberto Castillo. She stated that the tuition for one of their daughter’s school is unpaid, and that the rent of 1.6 million pesos was settled this week.

In the midst of her speech on A la tarde, her lawyer, Patricia Martínez, joined the conversation. While she was detailing what the court ruled, that he must pay her 2 million pesos per month in cash plus the school fees for the daughters and the minor’s preparations.

In the meantime, Castillo called to give his version, and a heated moment ensued. First, the lawyer got angry because someone on the other end leaked that he and his family have an income of 50 thousand dollars a month. “First, that’s a lie. And second, how can they say that on television?” I’m currently walking in Morón, a relative could be kidnapped; it’s dangerous for the girls.”

But before that, the lawyers got into an escalating argument. Martínez stated that they cannot locate him, and he defended himself: “I have a phone, I am a responsible dad, and I know what my daughters spend.” If the doctor had called me instead of going on television, I wouldn’t have had to wait for a court decision because my daughters…”.

Roberto Castillo and Daniela Vera Fontana

The lawyer interrupted her and said: “Doctor, I don’t have to call you; I have to ensure the welfare of the minors…” Roberto also interrupted her, retorting: “If she cares about the welfare of the minors, she should not create a fairy tale like the one she has built.” Including, inviting Daniela to commit a criminal offense of illegal retention.

“On several occasions, I have asked for my clients’ documents (he had one of his offices in his home), I had no access and I’ve already reported it to the Bar Association, and they are using it to obtain illegal evidence. They manipulated and turned my entire office upside down. I now have a lawsuit for damages and now my daughters will suffer for it, because the doctor is a brute who doesn’t pick up the phone and calls me. I have five lawsuits for damages for what he did,” continued Cinthia Fernández’s partner.

“I’m not a brute, doctor. The brute is you, who claims to have been ambushed. You know what I’m talking about; you’re a lawyer. You know what provisional alimony is; that’s being ignorant. What I did was get ahead of you, that’s why you’re mad,” emphasized the lawyer.

And she continued: “you underestimated Daniela and sent your lawyer friends, telling her that the lawyer she had was a disaster, and invited her for coffee to resolve this on unequal terms because you are a lawyer and she is not. With all due respect, I find it surprising that you, as a lawyer, would say that.”



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