Daniel Soria Urges President Boluarte to Observe Bill Limiting Effective Collaboration

2023-06-26 23:52:43

Daniel Soriaactual state attorney generalstated that the rule jeopardizes the effectiveness and success of effective collaboration as well as legal defense.

Attorney General, Daniel Soria Lujanrequested this Monday to the president In Boluarte Observe the signature of the bill that limits effective collaboration. The reason for this is because, according to the official, the effectiveness and success of effective collaboration would be in danger, and therefore, the legal defense of the interests of the State.

According to Soria, the bill imposes rigid deadlines on the effective collaboration procedure, and with this, jeopardizes its effectiveness and usefulness for the prosecution of crime.

He plenary session of Congress approved last Thursday, with 84 votes in favor, 27 against and 3 abstentions, the law that limits the figure of effective collaboration. This ruling modifies articles 473,476-A and 481-A of the New Criminal Procedure Code.

It was also exonerated from the second vote with 81 votes in favor, 24 against and 5 abstentions. This document will be adapted within a period not exceeding 30 business days from the day following the publication of the standard.

What is the bill about?

The bill states that, once the request is received, the prosecutor on duty may have the beginning of the procedure for effective collaboration, ordering the corroboration procedures that it deems relevant to determine the effectiveness of the information provided.

One of the modifications within the already mentioned articles of the New Criminal Procedure Code is the replacement of the term “collaborator” by “applicant”.

The statement of the aspiring collaborator before the prosecutor in the case will now also be given in the presence of his lawyer and will be recorded in a record and recorded in an audiovisual medium “which will be kept until it is referred to the judge together with the other parties.”

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In addition, it is indicated that the prosecutor in charge of the investigation “has the duty to protect the secrecy or confidentiality of the entire effective collaboration process and the content of the statements of the aspiring collaborators, as well as safeguard their identities, under the responsibility administrative, civil and penal”.

The process for the approval of the agreement of effective collaboration It may last a maximum of eight months, being possible its extension for up to four more months for justified reasons and up to 8 more months in the case of organized crime.

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