Daniel Sarcos: Miss Venezuela Host and Orchid Festival Presenter – A Podcast Interview with Daniela Di Giacomo

2023-12-04 15:59:44

The Venezuelan presenter Daniel Sarcos has taken advantage of a recent interview for the Miss International 2006 podcast Daniela Di Giacomoto share moments experienced throughout her professional career such as hosting Miss Venezuela for several years, her presentations at the Orchid Festival and a uncomfortable moment that he had to live with the musical duo Chyno and Nacho.

During the conversation, the 56-year-old from Zulia, who has lived in the United States for several years, confessed the delicate moment he experienced with the team of interpreters of “My pretty Girl” when they were at the peak of their success in the country.

“I worked for a major brewery in Venezuela. We went to a Johan Santana event and they were the attraction and I was the presenter. They had told me that they left several animators with the microphone in their hands, I know that artists do that to avoid confusion and have everything under control.”he asserted.

But, Sarcos He confessed that the situation arose later when the The duo entered the stage directly without conducting the respective interview.

“I’m at the motor home, waiting for them to call me, and I listen to the video; “That day I went on stage and had a pretty loud argument with the people who managed them, so much so that the backguard had to come in,” the former presenter alleged Super Sensational Saturday.

However, the story did not end there since weeks after the incident a Daniel had to face a new situation with the singers.

“Two weeks later, Daniel tells me, we go with Chyno and Nacho, and I: “I’m going to introduce them to us, they have a recorded presentation, release it, and that mess forms, enter my dressing room, Peña and the people who was driving. Peña walked to my dressing room, and I told him what they did to me and he told me: you’re absolutely right, but you can’t do this to the program, and I “you’re right.” So I went and did the program.”, the singer also narrated.

#Safety #pin #tremendous #brawl #Daniel #Sarcos #Chyno #Nacho

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