Daniel Radcliffe had a crush on Helena Bonham Carter during the filming of “Harry Potter”

Daniel Radcliffe admits he had a crush on Helena Bonham Carter while filming Harry Potter ! The two actors reunited on the special Back to Hogwarts organized for the 20th anniversary of the first film, the opportunity for the one who played Bellatrix Lestrange in the saga to release a letter written to her by the young wizard’s performer at the time.

A bit embarrassed, the actor then agreed to read it. “Dear HBC. It was a pleasure to be your colleague and your coaster as I always ended up having your coffee, ”he began before pausing, hesitant to continue. “You can share [le reste] “, Then launched an amused Helena Bonham Carter.

First kiss

“I can admit it now. I love you and wish I had been born 10 years earlier for having had a chance. Lots of love and thank you for being so cool, ”continued Daniel Radcliffe, before bursting into laughter with Helena Bonham Carter.

If you want to see Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: ​​Return to Hogwarts, the program is available in France on the Salto platform.

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