Daniel Lazo is accused of not paying the rent, he owes more than 30 thousand soles: “Let him vacate the apartment” VIDEO show business trcm | SHOWS


Rocío Chávez, owner of the property, indicated that since November 2022 the singer has not paid the rent for the apartment where he lives.

Daniel Lazo is once more in the middle of the controversy. The singer is now accused of not paying the rent for the apartment where he lives, as he indicated Rocio Chavezthe owner of the property.

Chávez expressed that the last time the interpreter made a deposit was at the end of 2022 and that during the months of 2023 he has not received a single payment from Lazo.

“The last time you made a deposit was in November of last year. He deposited me two thousand soles. December, January, February, March, April, five months that he doesn’t pay. Obviously, the debt has already gone up, right now it is at 18 thousand soles”.

In addition to the rent, the owner said that Daniel also does not pay for the maintenance and taxes of the apartment: “He also owes maintenance, he already owes regarding 11 thousand soles of maintenancethen excise taxes have never paid, excise taxes almost owe me, already close to 4 thousand, never paid”.

Finally, he asked the singer to settle his debt, which between rent and payment of excise taxes and maintenance adds up to more than 30,000 soles, and I evicted the house: “I worked so hard to be able to buy that apartment, so that I might live a quiet life and please vacate the apartment and I need you to pay me”.


Several users questioned the appearance of Daniel Lazo in the Latina program. “¿He wasn’t the abuser?”; “He was not reported for domestic violence?”; “Daniel Lazo… ..his bohemian life is taking its toll on him…”were some comments.

While others criticized his presentation. “Poor guy. The alcohol is spoiling his voice”; “You can tell that he doesn’t sing well anymore”; “What happened? How ugly it came out. Lots of nerves, little preparation”, the messages said.

TROME – Daniel Lazo is accused of not paying rent




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