Dancing in the Downpour: A Fresh Weather Forecast for Northern Negev

Forecast for tonight and tomorrow: Tonight (Saturday) will be partly cloudy, towards morning drizzle to light localized rain is expected mainly in the north of the country and along the coastal plain. Tomorrow will be partly cloudy to cloudy. Occasional drizzle to light local rains are expected in the north and center of the country. No significant change in temperatures is expected. This is according to the forecast of the meteorological service.

Weather forecast for the next few days

Monday: Partly cloudy to cloudy. Local rains, mostly light, are expected to fall from the north of the country to the north of the Negev. There will be a slight drop in temperatures, which will be slightly lower than usual for the season.

Tuesday: Partly cloudy with no noticeable change in temperatures, which will continue to be slightly lower than usual for the season. Until the afternoon hours, mainly in the north of the country and on the coastal plain, there may be light local rain.

Wednesday: Clear to partly cloudy. The temperatures will still be slightly lower than usual for the season.

The predicted temperatures in cities across the country

  • Eilat 27
  • 27 Ashdod
  • 23 Beer Sheva
  • Beit Shan 25
  • Haifa 25
  • 27 Tiberias
  • Jerusalem 19
  • Lod 25
  • 20 Mitzpe Ramon
  • Ein Gedi 26
  • Afula 24
  • Safed 19
  • Katzrin 21
  • Tel Aviv – Jaffa 26

What are the expected temperatures​ for the ​weekend with cloudy ​skies and light rains?

Weather Forecast: Cloudy Skies⁢ and⁤ Light Rains Ahead

Are you planning your weekend or preparing for the week‍ ahead? Stay ahead of the game with our latest weather forecast for tonight, ⁤tomorrow, and the next few days. According to the latest update from the meteorological service, ⁤the skies are expected to‍ be ‌partly cloudy, with occasional ⁤drizzle and light ‍localized ‍rains mainly in ‍the north of the⁣ country and ⁤along⁣ the coastal plain.

Tonight’s Forecast (Saturday)

As we head into the night,⁢ the skies will remain partly cloudy, with a chance ⁣of drizzle and light localized⁣ rain moving ‍in towards morning. The northern regions and ​coastal plain can‌ expect ⁤to see the most significant precipitation, although ‍it will be light and intermittent.

Tomorrow’s Forecast (Sunday)

Sunday is expected to be partly cloudy to cloudy, with occasional drizzle and light local rains ​throughout the day. ⁣The north and center of the country will see the most significant rainfall, although it will still be relatively light. No significant change⁣ in temperatures‍ is ⁣expected, with conditions⁢ remaining relatively‌ steady throughout the⁤ day.

Weather⁢ Forecast for the ‍Next ⁣Few⁢ Days


On Monday, the skies will remain ‍partly cloudy to⁣ cloudy,⁣ with local rains, mostly light, expected to fall from the⁢ north of the country ​to the north of the Negev. Temperatures will take a⁣ slight ‍drop,​ settling in slightly lower than usual for the season.


Tuesday is expected to be partly cloudy, with no noticeable change in​ temperatures. Conditions will⁢ continue to be slightly lower than usual for the season, making⁢ it a great day to get out and enjoy the relatively ‌cooler weather.

What to Expect

Throughout the next few days, the weather will be characterized by partly cloudy to cloudy skies,​ with occasional‌ drizzle​ and light local rains. While the rain will ⁣be light⁣ and intermittent, it’s still a good idea to pack an umbrella or waterproof jacket⁢ to be prepared.

Temperatures will ⁣remain ​relatively steady, with a slight drop on Monday. the weather will be mild and pleasant, making it an excellent time to ⁣get ⁤out and enjoy the outdoors.

Stay Ahead of ​the Weather

Stay up-to-date with the latest weather forecast and plan your weekend‌ and‍ week ‍ahead with⁣ confidence. Whether you’re planning a ⁤trip ‌to‌ the⁢ north, a day at the beach, or just want to know what ‍to wear, our​ forecast has got you covered.

Weather​ Keywords: weather forecast, tonight’s forecast, tomorrow’s forecast, cloudy skies, light rains, drizzle, coastal plain, northern regions, temperatures, partly cloudy,⁢ partly cloudy to​ cloudy,​ local rains, Negev.

Meta Description: Get the latest weather forecast for ⁣tonight, tomorrow, and the next few days. Stay ahead of⁢ the game with our comprehensive forecast, covering cloudy skies, light rains,⁣ and temperatures.

Header Tags:

H1: Weather Forecast: Cloudy Skies and Light Rains Ahead

H2: Weather Forecast for the Next Few Days

H3: Tonight’s⁢ Forecast⁤ (Saturday)

H3: Tomorrow’s Forecast (Sunday)

H3: Monday

H3: Tuesday

– What is the weather forecast for this weekend?

Weather Forecast: Cloudy Skies and Light Rains Ahead for the Weekend

As we head into the weekend, the meteorological service has issued a forecast that predicts partly cloudy to cloudy skies with occasional drizzle and light localized rain showers. This weather pattern is expected to persist throughout the next few days, with temperatures remaining relatively steady. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into the forecast for tonight, tomorrow, and the next few days, as well as explore the predicted temperatures in cities across the country.

Tonight’s Forecast (Saturday)

Tonight, expect partly cloudy skies to give way to drizzle and light localized rain showers, mainly in the north of the country and along the coastal plain. This weather pattern is expected to persist until morning, with no significant change in temperatures predicted.

Tomorrow’s Forecast (Sunday)

Tomorrow, the skies will remain partly cloudy to cloudy, with occasional drizzle and light local rains expected in the north and center of the country. Temperatures will remain steady, with no significant changes predicted.

Weather Forecast for the Next Few Days

Looking ahead to the next few days, here’s what you can expect:

Monday: Partly cloudy to cloudy skies, with local rains, mostly light, expected to fall from the north of the country to the north of the Negev. There will be a slight drop in temperatures, which will be slightly lower than usual for the season.

Tuesday: Partly cloudy skies, with no noticeable change in temperatures, which will continue to be slightly lower than usual for the season. Until the afternoon hours, mainly in the north of the country and on the coastal plain, there may be light local rain.

Wednesday: Clear to partly cloudy skies, with temperatures still slightly lower than usual for the season.

Predicted Temperatures in Cities Across the Country

Here are the predicted temperatures for cities across the country:

Eilat: 27°C

Ashdod: 27°C

Beer Sheva: 23°C

Beit Shan: 25°C

Haifa: 25°C

Tiberias: 27°C

Jerusalem: 19°C

Lod: 25°C

Mitzpe Ramon: 20°C

Ein Gedi: 26°C

Afula: 24°C

Safed: 19°C

Katzrin: 21°C

* Tel Aviv – Jaffa: 26°C

What to Expect for the Weekend

With cloudy skies and light rains expected, it’s a great idea to pack an umbrella and dress in layers. While temperatures will remain relatively steady, it’s always a good idea to check the forecast before heading out.

Whether you’re planning a hike, a day at the beach, or a simple stroll around the city, be sure to stay up to date with the latest weather forecast to make the most of your weekend.

Stay Ahead of the Weather

Stay tuned for further updates and forecasts from the meteorological service to stay ahead of the weather. With a little planning and preparation, you can make the most of the weekend, no matter what the weather brings.



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